About CMP
CMP Regions
COWASH Documents and Reports
COWASH IV 2021-2025
COWASH Research
First EWEW
One WASH Ethiopia
RWSEP documents
Inter Aide
Brochure on Women Empowerment Amharic Final
Brochure on Women Empowerment Amharic Final.pdf
(2.8 MB)
CMP Implementation Manual (OWNP), December 2014
Annexes to CMP Implementation Manual July 2014
COWASH_woreda_db 27.1.15_a
486A0609 ed
Proceeding 2007 Water Sector AR Workshop Final
Full WIF (unofficial)
CLTSH training manual
Q2 2007 EFY
Q1 2007 EFY
marching band
Marching band
Solid waste
Liquid waste
COWASH Indicator monitoring plan update
Report CR_WSP validation Workshop March 2015
COWASH Result Based semi-annual report July-December 2014
COWASH output based six-months report July - December 2014
Aid Effectiveness of RWSEP and COWASH
WASH Secondary baseline in COWASH Woredas
Draft RWS O&M Framework 020415
Draft RWS O&M Framework 020415
RWS O&M Strategic Framework
RWS O&M Financial Management
RWS O&M Community Based Management
RWS O&M Sand Dams
RWS &M Hafir Dams and Berkas
RWS O&M Hafir Dams and Berkas
RWS O&M M&E, MIS and reporting
RWS O&M rainwater harvesting
RWS O&M spare parts supply and management
RWS O&M WQ monitoring and surveillance
WaterAid Water Quality Policy Guideline
WaterAid Ethiopia Water Quality Policy Quideline
WaterAid Ethiopia Water Quality Policy Quideline
HWTS study in Ethiopia, 2015
RADWQ Ethiopia, 2010
WaterAid Ethiopia Water Quality Policy Quideline
WAE WQP Guideline 2014
VFM-WASH Ethiopia report, 2015
Water Credit workshop proceedings report-Ethiopia
Amhara 2007 Financial Plans
BSGR 2007 financial plans
BSGR 2007 physical plans
BSGR 2007 plan and budget summary
BSGR 2007 plan and budget summary
Oromia 2007 COWASH plans
Final Edited CoWASH 2007 EFY Physical & Financial plans
O&M workshop
Amhara COWASH 2006 EFY annual finance report
COWASH Amharan osavaltiossa
Knowledge Management
Private Sector Landscape WASH Ethiopia final 31012015
Amhara 2007 EFY Q3 Financial report
Amhara 2007 EFY Q3 Performance report
Amhara 2007 EFY Q3 Performance report
Q1 2007 EFY
BSGR 2007 Q3 report part A
BSGR 2007 Q3 report part B
Oromia 2007 EFY Q3 Performance Report
Oromia 2006 EFY performance report
Kaivon vartija
For Yelibe
COWASH kartta
COWASH output based nine-months report July 2014-March 2015
COWASH output based nine-months report July 2014-March 2015
AfricaSan 4 Declaration
Draft Situational Analysis for IUSHS
Draft IUSHS & SAP 25.2.15
Draft final wastewater management strategy, Feb 2015
Girma Suominen Sector Collaboration final
Evolution of CMP from 1994 to the 2010s in Ethiopia
WASH in Schools in Ethiopia, March 2015, WaterAid
OWNP-CWA Reporting Formats and Guideline Final
ToR UWASH TC final
ToR UWASH TC final
Final COWASH MTE Report
Final COWASH MTE Report
Final COWASH MTE Report
Building Adaptive WRM in Ethiopia
Private Sector Landscape WASH Ethiopia
English GTP-2 for Water sector, final draft
English GTP-2 for Water sector, final draft
English GTP-2 for Water sector, final draft
English GTP-2 for Water sector, final draft
SC presentation 6.7.15pptx
Final Report of CMP Training Impacts in Oromia an SNNPR (July 14,2015)
Samuel along with a colleague facilitating the discussion
Climate Resilient Water Safety Strategic Framework
Climate Resilient WSP Guideline for community managed water schemes
Climate Resilient WSP Guideline for Urban water utiltities
Water Supply Safety Measures, 2004
WAE Water Quality Policy Guideline -August 2014
National Drinking Water Quality Monitoring and Surveillance Strategy, 2014
Sanitation Supply Chain Assessement in Amhara
Oona and Abiy
Self Supply News no 9
CMP presentation in 38th WEDC conference in July 2015
Self-supply week Ethiopia March 2015
Self Supply News No 8
Effective and Sustainable WASH Services July 2015
CWA Project Woredas and small Towns
COWASH woredas July 2015, database
WASH SIT Assessment Final Report, July 2015
Assessing sustainability in an emergency response context, July 2015
WASH Climate Resilient Development Strategic Framework
Diagnostic Report on S&H Monitoring - Final
Ethiopia WASH M&E Diagnostic Report
WSWG ToR Endorsed and Revised July 2015
Besah Mogesse (2015): Evolution of Community Managed Water Supply Projects (CMP) from 1994 to the 2010s in Ethiopia
Case Study of the Ele Spring in Genta Bonke Kebele, Arbaminch Zuria Woreda, Gamogofa Zone, SNNP Region of Ethiopia
The Community Managed Project (CMP) approach and potential to promote multiple uses of water
Study on the Impacts of CMP Water Supply Projects on the Life of Rural Community in Gonji Kolella Woreda, West Gojjam Zone, Amhara Region-Ethiopia
Effective and Sustainable WASH Services: A Case Study of Community Managed Project (CMP) Approach in Ethiopia
Report on CMP Research Project (ReCMP) - April 2012 to June 2014
Current trends and access to sanitation in Ethiopia
Research on AA sanitation and FSM
Draft final wastewater management strategy
IUSHS draft Strategy 25.2.15
Situational Analysis of IUSHS draft
Ethiopian Drinking Water Quality Standard 2013
Urban Water O&M Manual
Urban Water O&M Manual
Draft Final OM Strategic Framework _edited_250915
Demo maps
Demo maps small
Abichuna Gnea 2013
Abichuna Gnea database
2005 Abichu Gnea
2005 Gumay
Gumay database
2005 Jida
2005 Jida
Jida monitoring tools v 1-5
Jida database
2005 Kersa
Kersa database
2005 Nono Benja
Nono Benja database
2006 Medebay Zana
Medebay Zana database
2006 Seharti Samre
Seharti Samre database
2006 Tahtay Maychew
Tahtay Maychew
Tahtay Maychew database
2005 Arba Minch Zuria
Arba Minch Zuria monitoring tools v 1-5
Arba Minch Zuria database
2005 Chencha
Chencha database
2006 Duna
Duna Database
2005 Misha
Misha database
2007 Bullen
Bullen database
2007 Dibate
Dibate database
2007 Mandura
Mandura database
2007 Pawe
Pawe database
Wombera database
2007 Pawe
Pawe database
2007 Wombera
Wombera database
COWASH Component 1 2008 EFY Plan
2006 Chencha
Chencha database
BSGR 2008 EFY plan
Summarized Result based report of COWASH, July 2015
2006 Abergele
Abergele database
Quantum GIS
TEMPLATE monitoring tools v 1-5
01 COWASH data collection process v 1-4
Final Draft Terms Of Reference WRM-SG 20151015
Final Draft CR-WSP Training manual
Amhara 2008 EFY plan
Draft Final OM Strategic Framework _edited_250915
2007 Ankasha
2007 Ankasha
2007 Ankasha monitoring tools
2007 Guagusa Shikudad
2007 Guagusa Shikudad monitoring tools v 1-5
HSTP Final 2015-10-19
OWNP - CWA - FM Manual - July 21 2015
2007 Guagusa Shikudad COWASH-database
2007 Ankasha COWASH-database
2007 Alefa COWASH-database
2007 Chilga COWASH-database
2007 Debark COWASH-database
2007 Dembia COWASH-database
2006 Takusa COWASH-database
2007 Tegede COWASH-database
2007 Chilga
2007 Debark
2007 Dembia
2006 Takusa
2007 Borena
2007 Borena COWASH database
2007 Dessie Zuria
2007 Dessie Zuria COWASH-database
2007 Kalu
2007 Kalu COWASH-database
2007 Tenta
2007 Tenta COWASH-database
2007 Abergele
2007 Abergele COWASH database
2007 Sahila Seyemet
2007 Sahila Seyemet COWASH database
2007 Antsokia Gemza
2007 Antsokia Gemza COWASH database
2007 Basona Worana
2007 Basona Worana COWASH database
2007 Artuma Fursi
2007 Artuma Fursi COWASH-database
2007 Dewe Harewa COWASH database
2007 Dawunt
2007 Dawunt COWASH database
2007 Guba Lafto
2007 Guba Lafto COWASH database
2007 Meket COWASH database
2007 Wadla
2007 Wadla COWASH database
2007 Degua Temben
2007 Degua Temben COWASH database
2007 Medebay Zana
2007 Medebay Zana COWASH database
2007 Seharti Samre
2007 Seharti Samre COWASH database
2007 Tahtay Maychew
2007 Tahtay Maychew COWASH database
2006 Bibugn COWASH-database
2006 Dejen
2006 Dejen COWASH-database
2006 Enbise Sar Midir
2006 Enbise Sar Midir COWASH-database
2006 Mirab Este
2006 Mirab Este COWASH-database
2006 Misrak Este
2006 Misrak Este COWASH-database
2006 Bahir Dar Zuria COWASH-database
2006 Dega Damot COWASH-database
2006 Gonjgolola COWASH-database
2006 Quarit COWASH-database
2006 Yilmana Densa
2006 Yilmana Densa COWASH-database
Abichu Gnea COWASH-database
GUMAY monitoring tools v 1-5
2005 Abichu Gnea COWASH-database
2005 Jida COWASH-database
2005 Kersa COWASH-database
2005 Nono Benja COWASH-database
2005 Gumay COWASH-database
2005 Arba Minch Zuria COWASH-database
2006 Chencha COWASH-database
2006 Duna COWASH-database
2005 Misha COWASH-database
486A6190 ed
486A8654 ed
2006 Enarj Enawga COWASH-database
2006 Enarj Enawga COWASH-database
2006 Hulet Ej Enese COWASH-database
2006 Sinan
2006 Sinan COWASH-database
2006 Dera COWASH-database
2006 Farta
2006 Farta COWASH-database
2005 Fogera COWASH-database
207 EFY Performance report of SNNPR
SNNP FINAL 2008EFY PLAN of COWaSH December 2015
Amhara 2008 EFY Q1 report
Amhara 2008 EFY Q1 report
Tigray 2008 EFY Q1 Report
40 COWASH woredas Amhara WWW
40 COWASH woredas Amhara WWW
76 COWASH woredas WWW
9 COWASH woredas BG WWW
9 COWASH woredas BG WWW
9 COWASH woredas BG WWW
9 COWASH woredas BG WWW
7 COWASH woredas Tigray WWW
12 COWASH woredas Oromia WWW
Self Supply News No 10
COWASH Q1, 2008 performance report
Oromia 2008 EFY Final plan
NWI Bambasi
NWI Oda Bilidigilu
NWI Agalometi
NWI Belo Jegonfoy
NWI Degua Temben
NWI Nader Adet
NWI Tahtay Maychew
NWI Medebay Zana
NWI Endamehoni
NWI Endamehoni
NWI Ofla
NWI Seharti Samre
2007 Dejen
2007 Dejen COWASH database
2007 Sinan
2007 Sinan COWASH database
2007 Mirab Este
2007 Mirab Este monitoring tools v 1-5
2007 Yilmana Densa
2007 Yilmana Densa COWASH database
MSF 7 Program
FinnWASH-BG - Annual Report 2008 - 2009
FinnWASH-BG - Annual Report 2009 - 2010
FinnWASH-BG - Annual Report 2010 - 2011
FinnWASH-BG - Annual Report 2011 - 2012
FinnWASH-BG - Annual Report 2012 - 2013
FinnWASH-BG - Annual Report 2012 - 2013
FinnWASH-BG - Annual Report 2013 - 2014
FinnWASH-BG - Annual Report 2013 - 2014
FinnWASH-BG - Annual Report 2013 - 2014
FinnWASH-BG - Annual Report 2014 - 2015 -final report
All FinnWASH databases combined
All FinnWASH databases combined
Bullen woreda's database
Dibate woreda's database
Mandura woreda's database
Pawe woreda's database
Wombera woreda's database
Wombera woreda's database
Coverage development in whole project area
Bullen communal water points
Bullen medical waste incinerators at health facilities
Bullen VIP-latrines at health facilities
Bullen water points at health facilities
Bullen water points at schools
Bullen VIP-latrines at schools
Dibate communal water points
Dibate water points at health facilities
Dibate VIP-latrines at health facilities
Dibate medical waste incinerators at health facilities
Dibate water points at schools
VIP-latrines at schools
Mandura communal water points
Mandura water points at health facilities
Mandura water points at health facilities
Mandura VIP-latrines at health facilities
Mandura medical waste incinerators at health facilities
Mandura water points at schools
Mandura VIP-latrines at schools
Pawe communal water points
Pawe water points at health facilities
Pawe water points at health facilities
Pawe water points at health facilities
Pawe VIP-latrines at health facilities
Pawe medical waste incinerators at health facilities
Pawe water points at schools
Pawe VIP-latrines at schools
Wombera communal water points
Wombera water points at health facilities
Wombera VIP-latrines at health facilities
Wombera medical waste incinerators at health facilities
Wombera water points at schools
Wombera VIP-latrines at schools
KML-files of FinnWASH-woredas
www-berber bono church wateruser
www-galessa leaking pump pipe
www-gesengesa pump
www-gesengesa boys latrine + rrwh
www-senkora shower elementary school
www-senkora reservoir
embassador and generator-small
embassador and generator-small
embassador testing-small
lots of people2-small
raw meat-small
FinnWASH news 2
FinnWASH news 3
Gender Training Manual for Trainers (2009)
2007 Endamehoni COWASH database
2007 Endamehoni
2007 Bambasi COWASH database
2007 Bambasi
2007 Isara COWASH database
2007 Isara
2007 Tocha COWASH database
2007 Tocha
2007 COWASH Arba Minch Zuria
2007 Arba Minch Zuria
2007 Chencha COWASH database
2007 Chencha COWASH database
2007 Chencha
2007 Duna COWASH database
2007 Duna
2007 Misha COWASH database
2007 Misha
2007 Arbegona COWASH database
2007 Arbegona
2007 Gorche COWASH database
2007 Abay Chomen COWASH database
2007 Abay Chomen
2007 Gumay COWASH database
2007 Gumay
2007 Kersa COWASH database
2007 Kersa
2007 Nono Benja COWASH database
2007 Nono Benja
2007 Abichu Gnea COWASH database
2007 Abichu Gnea
2007 Jida COWASH database
2007 Jida
2007 Kersana Malima COWASH database
2007 Kersana Malima
2007 Tole COWASH database
2007 Tole
2007 Dirre Inchini COWASH database
2007 Dirre Inchini
2007 Elifata COWASH database
2007 Elifata
2007 Jeldu COWASH database
2007 Jeldu
2007 Nader Adet COWASH database
2007 Ofla COWASH database
2007 Bambasi COWASH database
2007 Bambasi
NWI Bullen
NWI Dibate
NWI Mandura
NWI Pawe
2007 Bambasi COWASH database
2007 Bambasi
2007 Bambasi COWASH database
2007 Bambasi
NWI Bullen
NWI Dibate
NWI Mandura
NWI Pawe
NWI Wombera
NWI Pawe
CERS_Manual Amharic version_final_030116
Env assess and risk screening final-TOOL_140815
Evironmental and climate risk assessment ToT manual
Env assess and risk screening final-TOOL_140815
Env assess and risk screening final-TOOL_140815
Evironmental and climate risk assessment ToT manual
CERS_Manual Amharic version_final_030116
1 Introduction
2. Water Source and Technologies
. Technical O&M requirements
2. Water Sources and Technologies
3. Technical O&M requirements
4. Scheme Management
5. Spare part management
6 M&E and reporting
7. Water Safety Plan
8. Action plan and implementation
1. Introduction
2. Water Sources and Technologies
3. Institutional support for O&M
4. Scheme management
5. Spare part management
6. M&E and reporting
7. Water Safety Plan
8. Action Plan and Implementation
Climate and Environmental Risk Screening in water supply, Ethiopia
Operation and Maintenance Manual for Urban Water Utilities
National Guideline for Urban Water Utilities Tariff Setting
National Guideline for Urban Water Utilities Categorization
National Guideline for Urban Water Supply & Sewerage Services Organization Setup
National Guideline for Technical Service Provision to Customers by Urban Water Supply Utilities
Kebele WSP Guideline, 2014 in Amharic
Kebele WSP Guideline, 2014
KWSP booklet _final
1. KWSP introduction
2. KWSP Team Establishment
3. KWSP Wells and Pumps
4. KWSP Springs
5. KWSP Rural Piped Scheme
6. KWSP Water safety alternatives
7. 6. KWSP Financing
GLoWS 2014 Amharic 1
GLOWS English 2014
WASHCO legalization proclamation for Benishangul-Gumuz
BSGR WASHCO Legalization Regulation, Amharic
SNNP Regulation 102, 2012
SNNP WASHCO legalization directive, Amharic
Sample of a certificate
Article on WASHCO legalization in SNNP
Article on WASHCO legalization in SNNP
BSGR WASHCO legalization directive
Sample certificate
JTR report on WASHCO Legalization
Poverty Assesment 214
MSF 7 proceedings 21.1.16
MSF 7 Long Proceeding (Full Version)
One WASH M&E project Inception Report
Gender step by step checከlist- Amharic version
MSF 7 proceedings, short version
MSF 7 proceedings, short version
GTP I Achievements and GTP II Plan
JTR 9 Findings and Recomendations
MSF 7 introduction
Progress of MSF 6 Undertakings
SDG and SWA progress
Summary-MSF 7-S1 WASH Sustainability Stream
Summary-MSF 7-S2 Hygiene and Sanitation Stream
CMP and WASHCO Legalization
CR-WSP in Ethiopia
Private Sector in WASH
Self supply acceleration
Status of Emergency WASH
Status of Emergency WASH
WASH Sustainability Check in Ethiopia
MNCH bottlenecks and opportunities
Hygiene and Sanitation JTR report
School WASH bottlenecks
CSOs WASH Annual Report
Monitoring for Safe Water
One WASH M&E development
Monitoring for Safe Water
Proposed MSF 7 Undertakings_Final
Module B; Community Based Scheme Managment
Module C; Community Based Finacial Managment
Module D; Technical O&M Requirements
Module E; Spare Part Supply and Management
Module E; Spare Part Supply and Management
Module F; M&E of O&M systems
Module G; Trainers Manual for Rural Water Safety Plan
Performance Benchmarking for water utilities
WASH M&E and Knowledge Management Undertakings
Amhara, CMP Artisan Payment Directive-Final-2
Module A - Facilitator's Guide for RWS O&M Traning
Module_B_Community Based Managment
Module_C_Training Manual on Technical Requirements of O&M
Module_D_Community Based Financial Managment
Module_E_Training Manual on Spare Part
Module_ F_Training Manual on M&E of RWS
Module_G_Training Manual on WSP
Part_A_Introduction to O&MM
Part_B_Decription of Water Sources and Technologies
Part_C_Technical O&M requirments
Part_D_Community Based Rural Water Supply Schemes Managment
Part_E_Rural Water Supply Spare Parts Managment
Part_ F_M&E and reporting system update_1
Part_G_Water Supply Safety Plan
Part_H_Preparation of Action Plan and Implementation of O&M
Part_A_Introduction to O&MM
Part_B_Decription of Water Sources and Technologies
Part_C_Institutional Support Mechanisms
Part_D_Rural Water Supply schemes Management
Part_E_Rural Water Supply Spare Parts Management
Part_ F_M&E and reporting system
Part_G_Water Supply Safety Plan
Part_H_Preparation of Action Plan and Implementation of O&M
Amharic gender step by step checklist
Gender in COWASH, manual
English gender step by step checklist
COWASH Training Impact assesment in Tigray and SNNP, 03.01.14
COWASH Training Impact Research in Tigray and Amhara, 26.09.14
COWASH Training Impact Assessment in SNNP and Oromia, 14.07.15
COWASH Training Impact assesment in Tigray and SNNP, 03.01.14
COWASH Training Impact Research in Tigray and Amhara, 26.09.14
COWASH Training Impact Assessment in SNNP and Oromia, 14.07.15
Supervision report to Amhara, February 2016
Supervision report to BGRS, January 2016
Supervision report to SNNPR, January 2016
Supervision report to Tigray, February 2016
Part_B_Water Sources for water supply
Part_C_Electro Mechanical Equipment
Part_D_Transmission and distribution system
Part_E_ Spare Part Supply and Managment
Part_F_Equipment and Tools Management
Part_E_ Spare Part Supply and Management
Part_F_Equipment and Tools Management
Part_G_Water Audit, Leakage detection and control
Part_H_Asset Management for Water Supply System
Part_I_Water Quality Monitoring and Surveillance
Part_A_Financial Management
Part_B_Community Based Management
Part_C_M&E, MIS and Report Requirements
Part_D_Human power and capacity building
Part_B_Sand and Subsurface Dams
Part_C_Hafir Dam and Berkad
Part_D_Rainwater harvesting
Part_E_Solar Powered Pumping System
Part_F_Wind Powered Pumping System
Part_E_Solar Powered Pumping System
Part_F_Wind Powered Pumping System
Part_G_Community Based Management
Part_H_Financial Management
National Guideline for Technical Service Provision to Customers by Urban Water Supply Utilities
National Guideline for Urban Water Supply & Sewerage Services Organization Setup
National Guideline for Urban Water Utilities Categorization
National Guideline for Urban Water Utilities Tariff Setting
Operation and Maintenance Manual for Urban Water Utilities
Business Plan Guideline
486A2494 ed
486A2494 ed
One WASH National Program CWA 2008 1st Q Report Final December 2,2015
One WASH National Program CWA 2007 EFY Annual Report Final
One WASH National Program CWA 2008 EFY 2st Q Report, March 2016
OWNP roll up 1
OWNP roll up 2
CWA 6 months report in 2008 EFY (2015...2016)
Final OM Strategic Framework 130316
List of RPS training modules
List of RPS training modules
Module A - Facilitator's Guide for O&M Traning
Module C - Technical Training Manual for RPS
Module D. Session-B. Equipment and Tools Management
Module D. Session-C. Asset Management
Module E. Water Auditing and Leakage Control
Module F. Water Quality Monitoring Survelliance
Module A - Facilitator's Guide for O&M Traning
Module A - Facilitator's Guide for O&M Training
Module A - Facilitator's Guide for O&M Training
Module C - Technical Training Manual for RPS
Module D. Session-B. Equipment and Tools Management
Module D. Session-C. Asset Management
Module E. Water Auditing and Leakage Control
Module F. Water Quality Monitoring Survelliance
Module G & H. Technical Training Manual for Pastoral
Module A. Session-C. M&E and MIS
One WASH Dec 2014
2007 Guangua COWASH-database
2007 Zigem COWASH-database
COWASH hankeprofiili Maaliskuu 2016
COWASH database management training guide (OpenOffice Calc)
QGIS basics
Access and coverage map
2007 Meket
2007 Meket COWASH database
2007 Ofla
Self Supply News Vol 12
Self Supply Business Catalogue April 2016
Module A-Facilitator's Guide for O&M Training
Module B-Session A-Introduction to Water Sources and Technologies
Module B-Session B-Introduction to Point Sources O&M Management
Module C-Technical O&M Requirements
Module D-Session D1-Community Based Management
Module D-Session D2-Financial Management
Module E-Training Manual for spare part management
Module F-Monitoring and Evaluation
Module G-Water Safety Planning
Module H-Implementation of O&M
PART A- MODULE D-SESSION B-Equipment and Tools Management
PART A-MODULE A-SESSION C- Introduction to RPS Module
PART A-MODULE A-SESSION-A&B-Facilitator's Guide
PART A-MODULE-B- Description of water sources for water supply
PART A-MODULE C-SESSIONS A,B,C,D,E,F,G, Technical O&M requirements
Summary of RPS Training Modules
PART A-MODULE A-SESSION-A&B-Facilitator's Guide
PART A-MODULE A-SESSION C- Introduction to RPS Module
PART A-MODULE-B- Description of water sources for water supply
PART A-MODULE C-SESSIONS A,B,C,D,E,F,G, Technical O&M requirements
PART A-MODULE D-SESSION A-Sparepart Supply Managment
PART A-MODULE D-SESSION A-Spare part Supply Management
PART A- MODULE D-SESSION B-Equipment and Tools Management
PART A-MODULE D-SESSION D-Human Power and Capacity Building
PART A-MODULE-E-Water Auditing and Leakage Control
PART A-MODULE-E-Water Auditing and Leakage Control
PART A-MODULE G & H-Technical Training Module for Pastoral
PART B-MODULE A-SESSION A-Community Based RPS Scheme Management
PART B-MODULE A-SESSION B-Financial Management for RPS
Table of content of all RWS O&M documents
Harmonized DSA for donor funded projects
Harmonized DSA for donor funded projects
Tigray / Degua Tembien District's Baseline report
2007 Kersa COWASH database
2007 Kersa
COWASH III Project Document April 2016final
CWA 9 months report in 2008 EFY (2015...2016)
CWA 9 months report in 2008 EFY (2015...2016)
Final 3rd Quarter OWNP CWA Report May 30, 2016
2007 Isara COWASH database
2007 Isara
Tigray / Endamehoni District's Baseline report
2007 Gorche
Water and O&M MSE Manual 2016 (Amharic)
2007 Endamehoni
2007 Endamehoni COWASH database
2007 Nader Adet
2007 Nader Adet
2007 Nader Adet
Tigray / Medebay Zana District's Baseline report
Climate and Environmental Risk Screening for COWASH Project-TOT manual
Climate and Environmental Risk Screening for COWASH -TOT manual
2007 Gorche
2007 Gorche COWASH database
2007 Gorcge
2007 Gorche COWASH database
Tigray / Nadear Adet District's Baseline report
GTPII English Translation Final June 21 2016
HSTP Final 2015-10-19
Self Supply News No 13
VFM-WASH Ethiopia report, 2015
Ethiopia SIT Final Report July 2015
2007 Ankesha COWASH-database
Tigray / Ofla District's Baseline report
2007 Ankesha
2007 Basona Worana COWASH database
2007 Basona Worana
2007 Andabet COWASH database
2007 Kalu COWASH database
2007 Tenta monitoring tools v 1-5
2007 Tenta COWASH database
2007 Kalu
2007 Tenta
Tigray / Seharti Samri District's Baseline report
Presentations in PDF
2007 Chilga
2007 Chilga monitoring tools v 1-5
2007 Chilga COWASH-database
2007 Antsokia Gemza
2007 Antsokia Gemza monitoring tools v 1-5
2007 Antsokia Gemza COWASH-database
2007 Dawunt
Tigray / Tahtai Michew District's Baseline report
2007 Dawunt COWASH database
Self Supply News No 14
WASHCO Performance and Gender Case Study
Comparison of CMP and WMP by Beshah M Behailu
Evolution of Community Managed - Water Supply Projects fro 1994 to 2010
Tigray / Regional Baseline report
Full WIF
GTP II Policy Matrix (English) Final _August 2016-2
Community Managed RWS in Ethiopia by Linda Annala
Bilateral Agreement COWASH Jan 2014
The Signed COWASH agreement Phase I
Self Supply News No. 15
CR-WSP for RWS Training Manual, Revised, Final, Nov 2016
GTP-2 plan main (english) F1
COWASH monthly progress report, June 2011
Social, Environmental and Climate Risks Screening Guideline
COWASH Phase III Completion Report 7.11.2016
COWASH Quarterly Report July-September 2011
Phase III Launch Report
2009 EGY Q1 Report Annex 3, Federal Financial performance
2009 EFY Q1 Report Annex 2. Risk management monitoring
COWASH Quarterly Report July-September 2011
2009 EFY Q 1 Report Annex 1 Federal Plan vs. achievements
2009 EFY Q 1 Report Annex 1 Federal Plan vs. achievements
2009 EY Q1 report, Main text
Fied visit report to Basona woreda on Dec 7-8, 2016
COWASH Biannual Report July-December 2011
MoUDH MSE Development Policy & Strategy 280416
2008 Artuma Fursi
2008 Borena
2008 Dawunt
2008 Dawunt
2008 Dawunt
2008 Kalu
2008 Sahila Seyemet
2008 Tenta
2008 Tenta
2008 Wadla
Assessment of CMP implementation in high tech, full report
Wadla 2008 Database
2008 Database Dawunt
2008 database, Tenta
2008 database, Kalu
2008 database, Borena
2008 database, Artuma Fursi
2008 database, Sahila Seyment
Annex 1. COWASH III Result Framework and Performance Monitoring Plan
Annex 2. COWASH Federal detailed Phase III budget plan
Annex 3. COWASH Phase III detailed Federal level plan
Annex 1. COWASH III Result Framework and Performance Monitoring Plan
Annex 2. COWASH Federal detailed Phase III budget plan
Annex 3. COWASH Phase III detailed Federal level plan
Annex 4. COWASH III Federal level staffiing plan
Annex 5. COWASH III Federal Technical Assistance Team division of reponsibilities
Annex 6. COWASH Phase III Risk Management Monitoring Plan
Annex 7. COWASH Phase II Training Standard
Annex 8. Federal Training Schedule for 2009 EFY
Annex 9. WASHCO's CMP procurement guideline for COWASH Phase III
Annex 10. Summary of high tech CMP implementation assessment
Annex 11. COWASH III Gender Programming and Action Plan
Annex 12. Women Led Micro and Small Enterprise Development Initiative
Annex 13. COWASH III Inclusion and Disability Mainstreaming Strategic Plan
Annex 14. COWASH III Social, Environmental and Climate Risks Screening Guideline
Annex 15. Criteria for Financing Rehabilitation of Water Supplies in COWASH Phase III
Annex 16. COWASH Phase III Monitoring Database Development
Annex 17 a. Amhara 2009 Plan
Annex 17 b. Tigray 2009 Plan
Annex 17 c. SNNP 2009 Plan
Annex 17 d. Oromia 2009 EFY Pan
Annex 17 e. BSGR 2009 Plan
Annex 18. Preparedness plan for Ramboll-Niras on COWASH
Annex 20. COWASH III Launch Workshop Report
Annex 21. Revised COWASH RSU ToR (Feb 2017)
Phase III Inception report
Phase III Inception report
Final One WASH PD August 31 2013
0. Day One High level session, PDF
1a. Day One Parallel Session, Climate Change, PDF
1b. Day One Parallel session, Inclusivity, PDF
1c. Day One Parallel Session, One WASH, PDF
1d. Day two Parallel session One, Hygiene, PDF
1e. Day two Parallel session two, Water Quality, PDF
1c. Day One Parallel Session, One WASH, PDF
1d. Day two Parallel session One, Hygiene, PDF
1e. Day two Parallel session two, Water Quality, PDF
1f. Day two Parrallel session Three, SWASH, PDF
2. Day Two, Plenary Morning, PDF
3. Day Two Plenary Afternoon, PDF
3. Day Two Plenary Afternoon, PDF
4. Draft Undertakings of the 8th MSF, PDF
1a. Day One Parallel Session, Climate Change, PDF
2008 Meket
2008 Meket Database
2008 Antsokia Gemza
2008 Antsokia Gemza Database
2008 Basona Worana
2008 Basona Worana Database
2008 Guba Lafto
Capacity Development Plan for Rural WaSH in Ethiopia
2008 Guba Lafto Database
2008 Dessie Zuria
1a. Day One Parallel Session, Climate Change, PDF
1b. Day One Parallel session, Inclusivity, PDF
MoFED and MoWE Joint Report on CMP
School WASH Mapping
Asiat kunnossa
2009 EFY Q1 report, Federal
2009 EFY Q1 report, Federal
COWASH Phase III Completion Report 7.11.2016
Rural Water Supply Network Forum Report
2009 EFY Q2 Report, Federal
Amhara GOF Q1 2009 Finance Report
Amhara 2009 EFY Q2 report
Oromia 2009 EFY Q2 Report
Tigray 2009 EFY Q2 Report
BSGR 2009 EFY Q2 Report
SNNPR 2009 EFY Q2 Report
Compiled 2009 EFY Q1+Q2 Report
2009 EFY Q3 Report
2009 EFY Q3 report
Ethiopia's WaSH Sector Stakeholder Analysis
2009 EFY Q3 report
Compiled (Federal and Regions) COWASH III 2009 EY Q1+Q2 Performance Report
English WASHCO's CMP procurement guideline for COWASH Phase III
WASHCO Procurement Guideline, English
WASHCO Procurement Guideline, Amharic
WASHCO Procurement Guideline, English
WASHCO Procurement Guideline, Amharic
COWASH WASH Facility Monitoring Rormats
COWASH WASH Facility Monitoring Formats
WASH facility monitoring formats
WSP's CMP Evaluation Report
2007 EFY Planning Templates for Regions
CWA POM endorsed
2008 EFY Planning instructions to regions
2008 EFY Report instructions to the regions
2008 EFY Annual CWA Program report
2009 EFY CWA Program Plan
CWA Program Financial Manual
Oromia 2007 EFY Annual Performance Report
Tigray 2009 EFY Q3 Report
BG 2009 EFY Q3 Report
The old well
Tigray 2009 EFY Q3 report 2nd edition
Amhara 2009 EFY Q3 Report
Oromia 2009 EFY Q3 Report
Generic MoU between the CMP Financiers
Annex 15. Financing COWASH MSE Development
Annex 14. COWASH Business Model in MSE Development
Annex 13. Sanitation Supply Chain Model
Annex 12_List of Tools for SM and WSM Activities
Annex 11_Store Design and Bill of Quantity
Annex 10. Written Agreement Form
Annex 9_Shed Design and Bill of Quantity
CMP Communications Strategy
Annex 8_Business Plan Formats
Annex 7. Risk Assessment and Management Plan
Annex 6_Business Model Canvas_Briefing & Format
Annex 5. Entrepeneur Capacity Gap Assessment From
Annex 4. Planning template for MSE establishment
Annex 3_Disability Checklist for Training Attendees
Annex 2_Handouts for stakeholders awareness training
Annex 1_Signed Memorandum of Understanding_Scanned Copies
Gender Programming
Ethiopia Gender Mainstreaming by Lackech Haile
Annex 15. Financing COWASH MSE Development
Annex 14. COWASH Business Model in MSE Development
Annex 13. Sanitation Supply Chain Model
Annex 12_List of Tools for SM and WSM Activities
Annex 11_Store Design and Bill of Quantity
Annex 10. Written Agreement Form
Annex 11_Store Design and Bill of Quantity
Annex 10. Written Agreement Form
Annex 9_Shed Design and Bill of Quantity
Annex 8_Business Plan Formats
Annex 7. Risk Assessment and Management Plan
Annex 6_Business Model Canvas_Briefing & Format
Annex 5. Entrepeneur Capacity Gap Assessment From
Annex 4. Planning template for MSE establishment
CMP Communications Strategy
Annex 3_Disability Checklist for Training Attendees
Annex 2_Handouts for stakeholders awareness training
Annex 1_Signed Memorandum of Understanding_Scanned Copies
Gender Case Study brochure
Gender Case Study on WASHCO Performance Learning Note
Training Manual on Gender Planning in WASH
CR-WSP for RWS Training Manual, Revised, Final, Nov 2016
Social, Environmental and Climate Risks Screening Guideline
SECRS Training materuials, PDF files
Amhara COWASH III regional agreement
Oromia COWASH III agreement
CMP Research Project
COWASH Phase III Project Document
WASHCO Procurement Guideline Phase III
RPS CMP implementation in Phase III
Final COWASH 2010 planning unit cost 270717
Data circulation
CMP Research Progress Document
COWASH Phase III 2009 EFY Federal Level Plan
COWASH Federal (FTAT only) 2009 EFY report
2008 Isara COWASH database
2008 Isara
2008 Tocha COWASH Database
2008 Tocha
2008 Arbaminch Zuria COWASH Database
2008 Arbaminch Zuria
2008 Chencha COWASH database
2008 Chencha
2008 Duna COWASH Database
2008 Duna
2008 Misha COWASH Database
2008 Misha
2008 Gorche COWASH Database
2008 Gorche
2008 Abay Chomen COWASH Database
2008 Abay Chomen
2008 Kersa COWASH Database
2008 Kersa
2008 Nono Benja COWASH Database
2008 Nono Benja
2008 Abichu Gnea COWASH Database
2008 Abichu Gnea
2008 Jida COWASH Database
2008 Jida
2008 Kersana Malima COWASH Database
2008 Kersana Malima
National WaSH M&E Manual (draft)
2008 Tole COWASH Database
2008 Tole
2008 Dirre Inchini COWASH Database
2008 Dirre Inchini
2008 Elifata COWASH Database
2008 Elifata
Signed Summary WIF (2013)
SNNP 2009 EFY Annual Report
Ethiopia's Water Resources Management Policy
110717 Start up meeting minutes
TOR for MSPIW (1st Draft, April 20, 2017)
Inclusive WASH Activities in the Global South
Inclusive WASH Activities in the Global South
WaterAid, Gender equality and disability inclusion in WASH
Training Manual on Gender Planning in WASH
Accessible sanitation from Western Nepal
WaterAid equity and inclusion reaching the excluded
Ethiopia's Water Sector Strategy
WaterAid equity-and-inclusion-framework
150917 Equity & Inclusion sub group meeting minutes
Menageze Rural Piped Water Supply in Dequa Temben Woreda of Tigray Region
Full WaSH Implmentation Framework (WIF)
Annex 14 and 15, Business Model, Financing
CR-WASH Program in Drought-Prone Ethiopia
ToR for Translation Service Consultancy
ToR for Translation Service Consultancy_Revised_11.10.17
Disability inclusion training conducted for COWASH regional stakeholders
SWA Country Engagement Synthesis Report FINAL 091116
IUSHS English final
IUSHS Amharic final
IUSH SAP Guidelines
CLTSH Implementation Guideline
Final SWASH Strategy, Oct 2017
Final National School WASH Guideline, Oct 2017
School WASH Mapping Revised
Final SWASH Strategy, Oct 2017
Final National School WASH Guideline, Oct 2017
National Social Protection Policy of Ethiopia
568 Proclamation Direction in Amharic
Building Proclamation No. 624-2009
Proclamation 916-2008, Definition of Powers and Duties of the Executive Organs of the FDRE
Right to Employment of Persons With Disability
UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
2008-40407 Gumay
2008 Bambasi
2008 Oda Bilidigilu
2008-60306-Oda Bilidigilu
2008-40407 Gumay
2008-10209-Degua Temben
2008 Degua Temben
2008-10207-Nader Adet
2008 Nader Adet
2008-10206-Tahtay Maychew
2008 Tahtay Maychew
2008-10103-Medebay Zana
2008 Medebay Zana
2008 Endamehoni
2008 Ofla
2008-10206-Tahtay Maychew
2008-10206-Tahtay Maychew
2008-71006-Arba Minch Zuria
2008-71006-Arba Minch Zuria
2008 - Gumay data base
2008-40407 Gumay
2008-40609-Abichuna Gnea
2008-40609-Abichu Gnea
2008-41307-Kersana Malima
2008-41307-Kersana Malima
2008-2008 Agalometi
2008-2008 Bulen
2008-40401-Nono Benja
2008-40401-Nono Benja
2008-40509-Dirre Inchini
2008-40509-Dirre Inchini
2008-41905-Abay Chomen
2008-41905-Abay Chomen
2008-40407 Gumay
2008-71006-Arba Minch Zuria
2008-71006-Arba Minch Zuria
2008-10209-Degua Temben
2008 Degua Temben
2008-10207-Nader Adet
2008 Nader Adet
2008-10103-Medebay Zana
2008 Medebay Zana
2008 Endamehoni
2008-10206-Tahtay Maychew
2008-10206-Tahtay Maychew
Training Report _Business Model Canvas
Dr Mulatu Takele
Training Report _Gender and Leadership
WRM JTR docs distributed in Dec 2017
Executive summary of AWRM in Ethiopia
Regulation 162, 2009 Irrigation Development Investment Incentives
REGULATION NO, 115, 2005
Regulation 151, 2008 Abay Basin
Regulation 156, 2008 Awash_Basin
Regulation 253, 2011 Rift Valley Lakes Basin
Water Governance Capacity of AWASH Basin, 2015
IMERU TAMRAT presentation on 2008
Proclamation 197, 2000 on Water Resource Management
Ethiopian Water Resource Management Policy
Water Sector Strategy
Gender, chidren and disability in water policy
Gender, children and disability in water policy
Abbay Basin Booklet, 2016
AWASH Basin economic effects and policy, 2016
Draft Water Partnership Agreement, Awash Basin
Implementation of IWRM in Awash River Basin, 2016
The Water of Awash Basin, a future challenge, ILRI, No date
Assessment of Water Governance Capacity, Awash Basin, 2013
Wetlands Assessment in ABA, 2013
Current Ecological Scenario of some Rift Valley Lakes, 2016
Threats and Opportunities to Major Rift Valley Lakes Wetland, 2017
Abay Basin Documents
Detail activity and financial plan of flood and drought
7-3-2017Final Integrated watershed strategic plan-28_05_2017
ABIMCS Strategic Plan July 02_2017
Flood and drought management SBP 03 July 2017 PRINT
Main report final June 2017.
Stakeholders Management Strategic Plan June 2017
Water Allocation_Strategic plan _june_2017
Water Quality Strategic Basin Plan Final - Copy
LIVES_wp_irrigation institutions
Book of Abstract-01092017
ppt on Lake Tana
ODI Thirsty Future
BCBT Learning Note
CRGE Strategy PPT
Ethiopia Water Footprint
Vietnam Hydro-Economic Framework
Ethiopia´s River Basin Map
COWASH BL Final report 290118
WQMS&R Guideline, June 2017
Try and Buy, Ppilot HWTS in Ethiopia, Jan 2018
Recommendations to develop a sustainable HWTS supply chain in Ethiopia
COWASH BL Final report 290118
Proclamation 534,2007 on river-basin-councils
Jan 25, 2018 meeting presentations
01. O&M Strategic Framework
02. RWS Point Source Manual, Parts A, B, C D, Technology and Management
03. RWS Point Source Manual, Parts E,F,G,,H, SPs, Monitoring, WSP, Planning
11. Business Plan Guideline for RPS
08. RPS manual, Parts L,M, M&E, MIS, Capacity building
07. RPS manual, parts J,K, Financial and Community Based Management
06. RPS manual Parts F,G, H,I, Equipment, Tools Management, Leakage, Assets, WQ
05. RPS manual, Parts D and E, Distribution systems and SPs
04. RPS Parts A,B,C, Water sources and EM equipment
10. Pastoral manual, Parts E,F,G,H, Solar & Wind Energy, Community and Financial Management
09. Pastoral manual, Parts A,B,C,D, Sand and Haffir Dams, RWH
Main contents of RWS O&M manuals No (02...10)
Main contents of RWS O&M manuals No (02...10)
River Water Pollution Status and Water Policy Scenario
Map of Rift Valley Watersheds
Hydrological assessment and characterization of Lake Ziway
Rift Valley Lake Basin Map
Fluoride and Fluorosis in Central Rift Valley
Heavy Metals Concentration in Effluents of Textile Industry in Hawassa
Heavy metals blending on treatability of wastewaters
Groundwater Management for Irrigation in the Raya and Kobo
Heavy metals blending on treatability of wastewaters
Heavy Metals Concentration in Effluents of Textile Industry in Hawassa
Fluoride and Fluorosis in Central Rift Valley
Dr Geremew preentation on water charge
Dr Geremew presentation on waste water charge
Revised 2009 EFY compiled annual report
Amharic Version Annex 15, Financing COWASH MSE development
Amharic Version Annex 14, COWASH Business Model in MSE Development
Amharic Version Annex 14, COWASH Business Model in MSE Development
Amharic Version Annex 13, Sanitation Supply Chain Model
Amharic Version Annex 12, List of Tools & Start up Materials
Amharic Version Annex 11, Partially translated to Amharic_BOQ for SPS
Amharic Version Annex 10, Written Agreement Form
Amharic Version Annex 9, Shed Design with BoQ
Amharic Version Annex 8, Preparing a Business Plan_Adopted from Amhara TVET
Amharic Version Annex 7, Risk Assessment and Management Plan
Amharic Version Annex 6, Business Model Canvas Outline
Amharic Version Annex 5, Enterprenuers Capacity Gap Assessment Form
Amharic Version Annex 4, Planning Template for MSE Establishment
Amharic Version Annex 3, Disability Checklist for Training Attendees
Amharic Version Annex 2, Documents on COWASH Phase III Highlight_NSMG_NH&EH
Amharic Version Annex 1, MoU of Amhara Regional State
Amharic Version Guideline for Women-led MSEs Dev't in COWASH
Miltoo 15 MISOOMA IMX COWASH Faayinaans Gochu
Miltoo 14 Goosa daldaala COWASH MIsooma IMX Dubbartootan Hogganamani
Miltoo 13 Hidhata Modeela Dhiyyessa Saaniiteshinii
Miltoo 12
Miltoo 11
Tigray region / Degua Tembien district's baseline report
Miltoo 10 Gucca Waligaltee Barrefamaa
Miltoo 9
Miltoo 8
Miltoo 7 Hoggansaa fi qoorannaa Qoormaata (Karoora xiiqqessu Samuda)
Miltoo 6 Ibsa fi formaatiiwwan
Miltoo 6 Ibsa fi formaatiiwwan
Miltoo 5 Gucca Qoranoo Hanqina Dandeetii Intarpireenaraa
Miltoo 4 Qajojii Karoora Aanaa Hundeeffama IMX f(1)
Miltoo 3
Miltoo 2
Tigray / Regional baseline report
Miltoo 1
Dhiheessa Bishaani (Final as per comment)
Irrigation Development Road Map_Executive Summary_Amh
National Smallholder Irrigation and Drainage Strategy_DRAFT
National Smallholder Irrigation and Drainage Strategy_DRAFT
National Smallholder Irrigation and Drainage Strategy_DRAFT
Hyacinth expansion in Lake Tana
Use of Water Hyacinth in Sustainable Fashion
Converting Water Hyacinth to Briquettes
Tigray / Endamehoni district's baseline report
Water hyacinth control
Loosing the hyacinth fight
Problem overview of hyacinth in Lake Tana
E&I Injebara training report
Transition from Emergency to Development Support
Guidelines for Emergency Water Trucking
Guidelines for Emergency Water Trucking
PoUWT Options in WASH Emergency
Tigray / Medebay Zana district's baseline report
COWASH Brochure, Feb 2018
CMP guideline
Final Audit Report COWASH 26.9.2017
171117 TA mitigation plan
291217 Mitigation Plan on General issues
Tigray / Nadear Adet district's baseline report
20171102 BGRS Audit Mitigation plan
20171112 SNNPR Audit mitigation plan
151117 Oromia Audit mitigation plan
20171227 Amhara Audit Mitigation Plan
Federal COWASH Team Admin Manual Annexes
COWASH Federal Admin Manual v11
Supervision report to Amhara, February 2016
Report on Supportive Supervison _Tigray-2017
Tigray / Ofla district's baseline report
Revised COWASH RSU ToR (Feb 2017)
261217 FM Workshop outcomes
rollovermoney from 2008 EFY
260118 FM Checklist-Draft 3
Internal Audit Guideline-Draft1
COWASH cost data, March 2018
COWASH Communications Guidiline Final
Tigray / Seharti Samri district's baseline report
Community level disability inclusion Guidebook_220318
Capacity building in the inclusion of persons with disabilities in COWASH
OWNP Phase I Review Report Final March , 2018
Tigray / Tahtai Michew district's baseline report
WWD celebration- 22 March 2018
Kebede Gerba
Kebede Gerba
WASHCO Hand-Book
Training Guideline on Women's Leadership in WASHCO_Final_041218
COWASH quarterly report July-September 2011
DrTena_Water Resource Management Issues and Challenges in Ethiopia
Institutional and Human Capacity
Irrigation for Growth
Photos Group 1
Photos Group 3
Photos Group 3
COWASH biannual report July-December 2011
Photos Group 2
Photos Group 1
Abay Basin_Part1_Pdf
WRM JTR-process and expected outcome
Walking the talk- Disability story at SNNPR- April 2018
Walking the talk- Disability story at SNNPR- April 2018
COWASH strives for financial transparency and accountability- April 2018
COWASH strives for financial transparency and accountability- April 2018
FTAT 9-months report in pdf
Groundwater Legislation & Regulatory Provision
Tigrigna COWASH disability inclusion guideline
Amharic COWASH Community level disability inclusion Guidebook
MHM Policy and Implementation Guide to Ethiopia
May 24 First Draft Phase 2 Program Document-clean version 1
Toilet Chair
Drought Areas WS Program Doc 04 May 2018 Clean version
Drought Areas WS Program Doc 04 May 2018 Clean version
H&EH Status in Ethiopia and future Direction-3 final MSF
MSF 8 undertakings WASH JTR June 8,2018
MSF Presentation _Dr. Seleshi
OWNP Phase I Review Report 6.11.18
WRM - JTR Findings and Recomondations June 12-13 2018 TA ver 2
Tematic streme WASH
Tematic Streme WRM ppt
Thematic Stream HEH
One WASH Review and Phase II Plan
DR Seifu Kebede
COWASH WaterAID Inclusive WASH Experience
Resourcing WASH
Capacity Building in WRM
Capacity Building in WRM
Transformational Agenda for Irrigation
Water charge and use in AWASH basin
Water charge, sustainability and legislation
WRM JTR and NWRMP outline
Climate change and health
Drinking water quality
Health Facility WASH
HEH Status and future Directions
Micro planning
Sanitation Marketing
Sanitation Safety Plan
SM business development
Urban hygiene and sanitation
Vulnerability Assessment of Health
Drought Areas WS Program Doc, May 4, 2018
OWNP phase I review document
Draft_Program May 8, 2018
Key Notes from Speekers
Drought Areas WS Program Doc, May 4, 2018
OWNP phase I review document, June, 2018
Road map for the training cascading
Module_E_Session E9_Roadmap
Module_E_Session E9_Business Plan for RPS
Module_D_Session_5_Action and Budget Plan for O&M
Module_D_Session_3b_Community Scheme Financial Management
Module_D_Session_3aCommunity Scheme Management
Module_D_Session_2b_Technical O&M
Module_D_ Session _2a_Description of Point Water Sources and Technologies
Module_C_Strategic Framework
Module_B_Orientation on organization of the manuals
Module_A2_Facilitation Guide
Module_A1_Introduction to the training workshop
Module_E_Session E9_Roadmap
Module_E_Session E9_Business Plan for RPS
Module_E_Session E8_Pastoral Areas WSS
Module_E_Session E7_Human_Power
Module_E_Session E6_Asset Management for RPS
Module_E_Session E4_Spare Part Supply and Management
Module_E_Session E2b_Financial Management for RPS
Module_E_Session E3_Technical O&M Requirments for RPS
Module_E_Session E3_Technical O&M Requirments for RPS
Module_E_Session E2b_Financial Management for RPS
Module_E_Session E2a_Scheme Management for RPS
Module_E_Session E1_Introduction_description_Technology of RPS
Feyera Kebede- Personal story
Mohammed-Nur- Personal Story
COWASH Mid term Meeting- 7 May 2018 (1)
Training Guideline on Women's Leadership in WASHCO management, English
Training Guideline on Women's Leadership in WASHCO Management, Afaan Oromo
Training Guideline on Women's Leadership in WASHCO management, English
Training Guideline on Women's Leadership in WASHCO Management, Afaan Oromo
COWASH Phase III MTE report, Final
Tigrigna, Final Training Guideline on Women's Leadership in WASHCO Mgt
Champion of Resilience-Guade Story-Final- 26 June 2018
Gonji Kolella Case Study Report
Gult-5 Water Point
Gonji Kolella Case Study Report
Case study of the Ele gravity scheme in Genta Bonke Kebele, SNNPR
COWASH in Abichu gena Woreda and Women Led Water Supply
Capacity development plan for rural WaSH in Ethiopia (draft)
Reaching the most vulnerable group of people
Menageze Rural Piped Water Supply in Dequa Temben Woreda of Tigray Region
Healing the Scars
The Leader
Water and Job
A case in balance
Feyera Kebede- Personal story
Mohammed-Nur- Personal Story
Yeloma Kebele
The Steward
Ministry of Finance and Economic Development and Ministry of Water and Energy joint report on CMP
Zegemesk Spring Development
COWASH Mid term Meeting- 7 May 2018 (1)
Champion of Resilience-Guade Story-Final- 26 June 2018
COWASH story on MSE- Basona Woreda- April 2018
July 26, Second Draft Phase 2 OWNP Program Document
National Hygiene and Environmental Health Communication-guideline Final Document
A case in balance
Abichu Gena Woreda and Women Led Water Supply
Champion of Resilience-Guadie Story
COWASH Mid Term Review 2018
Feyera Kebede- Personal story
Mohammed-Nur- Personal Story
Training Guideline on Women's Leadership in WASHCO Management, Amharic
Ethiopia's WaSH sector stakeholder analysis
Training Guideline on Women's Leadership in WASHCO Management, Afaan Oromo
Field visit to Debark and Dembia woredas
Debark and Dembia Woredas disability inclusive water point, July 2018
Antsokia disability inclusion best practice in RPS scheme
Antsokia disability inclusion best practice in RPS scheme
Brochure on Women's Empowerment in WASH
Brochure on Women's Empowerment in WASH
Water and Sanitation Program's CMP evaluation report
Brochure on Women's Empowerment in WASH
Gender achievements in COWASH III
Disability Inclusion achievements in COWASH III
Training in Mombasa
Community level disability inclusion Guidebook_AFAN OROMO
OWNP baseline report, Jan 2017
Proceeding (long) Final MSF 9
Short proceedings Final
Finnish Water Way
SNNPR COWASH 2009 EFY Annual Performance Report
SNNP REGIONAL STATE 2010 Annual report Final
SNNP REGIONAL STATE 2010 Annual report Final
Tigray / Degua Tembien district's baseline report
Amaric version for construction of ferro- cement tank
Amharic bid document for afridev handpump procurement
Amharic CDF Projects Cost Estimate Guideline
Water points site selection guidline
Amharic water point site selection guide
English version of CDF project cost estimating guideline
English version of O&MM procedure of water points
Minister Alemayehu Tegenu's interview
Gravity flow water supply
Final training manual on hand pumps procurment for Woreda experts
Revised quality control training
RWSEP RWS Designs Compilation Completion Report 1994
Training manual to artisans in Tendring & related issues
Water points site selection guidline
Woreda Experts training in construction tendring & related matters for 2001EFY
RWSEP Phase I Completion Report
RWSEP Phase II Completion Report
RWSEP Phase III Completion Report
RWSEP Phase IV Completion Report
RWSEP KAP Study 2006
RWSEP Phase II Mid-Tern Review Report
RWSEP Human Rights Report 2005
Guidelines for Donor Disengagement and Programme Support Withdrawal (1999
CDF Guideline for institutions (3.11.06)
Revised English CDF Guidelines-2006; (3.11.06)
RWSEP Phase III Mid Term Review Report
Minister Alemayehu Tegenu's interview
OWNP 2009EFY Annual Report_27March
Manual 5 Hygiene
Manual 4 Use and Maintenance of Urine Diverting (Composting) Dry Toilets
Manual 3 The Use of Urine as Fertilizer
Manual 2 Composting
Manual 1 Ecological Sanitation
Manual 1 Ecological Sanitation
Poster Use-and-Maintain
Sep 22, 2018, Phase-II OWNP Development and Action Plan
Marjaana and Gezahegn
Marjaana and Gezahegn
School WASH Manual Draft Final 041018
A Guide to School WASH Facilities Management Draft Final
CMP communications strategy
Guideline for Women led MSE Development in COWASH Phase III in Tigrigna
Training Guideline on Women's Leadership in WASHCO Management, Tigrigna
Brochure on Women's Empowerment in WASH, Tigrigna version
Community Level Disability Inclusion Guidebook_Tigrigna
Nebar Keshmando Kebele story
Nebar Keshmando Kebele story
Amesti 4 water point 131118
CMP fund management guideline
NWI2 guide_5July18 (1)
Final NWI2 Kick - off workshop 7 Dec 2018 Final
Kaisa Kuismanen MSc Paper on solar
Agenda and registration
Generic Memorandum of Understanding between the CMP financiers
Other materials
Overall contents
Sessions 1-12
Published Articel on Drought by Getachew Alem
WP5_Hydropower_Aquaculture_Recreation_Final Report
WP4_Wastewater_Final Report
WP3_ Water Supply_Final Report
National WaSH M&E manual (draft)
WP1_Social_Water Charge Final Report
WP1_Legal_Inst_Final Report
WP1_Econ_Final report
National Guideline
Main Report
Resettlement Policy Framework final ducument
Final Disclosable Environment and Social Management Framework
Ethiopia's water resources management policy
CRWSP and SECRSM Review workshop report final
CRWSP and SECRSM Review workshop report final
20190121 MoFEC DSA rate
Trainer's fee directive
COWASH Brochure_Final
Ethiopia's water sector strategy
Etiopian vesisektori Helmikuu 2019
OpenWASH Count me in
Vacancy_Country Director_Max Foundation Ethiopia FINAL
Using water with saving
Commission of the Status of Women, draft agreed conclusions
Save Water - Secure Future
Karjalainen 22.2.2019 (1)
Karjalainen 22.2.2019 (2)
OWNP Phase II Final Version 2019
Kurkkuun pesiytyvä juotikas tappoi nautoja hitaasti ja tuskallisesti
Gender Inclusive WASH strategic plan Sept 2018
Amhara 2009 EFY Annual report
Amhara 2010 EFY Finance Report
CR WASH - Emergency Development Nexus 22Mar2019
Last wake-up call presentation Arto Suominen FINAL
Microplans for WWD
Updated Ethiopia OWNP II Document, March 21, 2019
Ethiopia's full WaSH Implementation Framework (draft)
WSS sector development and challenges
WWD presentation monitoring and maintenance
MoFED and MoWE Joint Report on CMP
WB_WSP CDF Evaluation Final
E& I WaterAid 27.03.19
Highlights on the NWI 2 & MIS status
MSF-Undertakings Progress
Summary of the WaSH Implementation Framework (WIF)
OWNP Phase II Document CWA phase II status March 28
WSP experience in WASH SG on 29.3.2019
WSWG ppt on monitoring and maintenance
COWASH III 2010 EFY Annual Performance Report
COWASH III 2010 EFY Annual Performance Report
SWA Sector Ministers' meeting Agenda
Ethiopia - Leave no-one behind progress
Over 50 ministers to agree on decisive actions to end inequalities in access to water and sanitation
Ethiopia Country Brief-2019
5 ways to understand why inequalities persist and how to push for change
Connecting the Dots on Accountability and Leaving No One Behind
Disability integration in Woredas_05 April 2019
Disability integration in Woredas_05 April 2019
Mobilising finance for WASH
2019 SMM DAY 2 closing remarks
Learning Alliance Facilitator April 2019
Audit Blog_08 April 2019_Final
OpenWASH Count me in
Capacity building in the inclusion of persons with disabilities in COWASH
COWAH Community level disability inclusion Guidebook_Afaan Oromo
COWASH Community level disability inclusion Guidebook_AMHARIC
COWASH Community Level Disability Inclusion Guidebook_Tigrigna
COWASH Community level disability inclusion Guidebook_English
Tigrigna COWASH disability inclusion guideline_110518
E&I Injebara training report
Disability inclusion training conducted for COWASH regional stakeholders
Presentation on Disability Mainstreaming Training in COWASH
AMCOW gender mainstreaming policy and strategy
NBI Gender Mainstreaming Policy and Strategy
Gender Mainstreaming in WASH Ethiopia Overview, 2014
COWASH Gender Case Study
Preliminary Gender Profile of Ethiopia 2014
CMP woredas
Women Empowerment in COWASH, 2019
COWASH training guidelines on Women Leadership in WASHCO Management
081217 Gender and Disability Inclusion meeting
300119 Task Force Minutes
Special Needs- Inclusive Education Strategy, Ethiopia
Ethiopia´s Presentation_Financing
Reorganizing financing water and sanitation for all in 2030
World Bank WSP CDF Evaluation 2010
CMP woredas
MoFED and MoWE Joint Report of CDF, 2010
IRC report on CMP in Yilmana Densa
Story of Bertukan Asmamaw
CMP Manual
WASHCO Procurement Guideline 2019
CMP woredas
CMP implementation Guideline for High Tech Water Supply
Assessment of CMP implementation in high tech, full report
Experience of shallow drilled wells using CMP approach
CMP Implementation Manual in CWA, March 2019
Life of Rural Community in Gonji Kolella
Ele Spring in Genta Bonke
Abichu Gena Woreda and Women Led Water Supply
Gult-5 Water Point
CMP woredas
Menageze RPS in Dequa Temben
Zegemesk Spring Development
Amesti 4 water point 131118
In Search of water
Nebar Keshmando Kebele story
The Leader
Arajana Primary school in Duna Woreda
Visit to Duna Woreda in 2018
Amora Wanza No 2 Water Scheme
The farmer story
Addis Alem Water Scheme
WASHCO Hand-Book
Story from Fogera Woreda, Amhara Region
Story from Dejen Woreda of Amhara Region
Story from Guagusha Shikudad Woreda of Amhara Region
Introduction to the CMP research project
Quide to equitable WSP
slides-to-support-equity-integration in WSP
COWASH in Abichu Gnea Woreda_Blog
COWASH in Abichu Gnea Woreda_Blog
ANRS Rural Water Supply Schemes Maintenance
Briefing on Rural Water supply O&M of Ethiopia
O&M of RWS in Uganda
Solutions for Rural Water Supply Maintenance
CMP research project progress report
EWEW Draft Agenda
EWEW Budget Breakdown
EWEW_Concept Note
Yohannes strory from Chencha
CMP research project
EWEW Draft Agenda_May 05 2019
Research and Policy Advisor_IRC Ethiopia_May 2019
MHM Day_COWASH Statement_28 May 2019
Brochure on Women Empowerment Afan Oromo Final
Brochure on women empowerment Tigrigna Final
Brochure on Women Empowerment Amharic Final
Brochure on Women Empowerment in COWASH, English Final
CMP research project progress update
EWEW-Side Event Pcakge and Agreement 29 MAY
MHM Policy and Implementation Guide to Ethiopia
ODF_Campaign_2024_ Document_MoWIE (280519
Ethiopian Standard 6345- 2018 Disposable pad
Ethiopian Standard 6346- 2018 Reusable pad
Expanding Access to MHM Products in Ethiopia, PSI
Expanding Access to MHM Products in Ethiopia, PSI
Lowland WASH MHM Assessment in South Omo
Menstrual Health Landscape in Ethiopia, FSG
Menstruation matters (UNICEF)
MHM Consumer Journey (PSI)
MHM Products supply chain and busines review. UNICEF
MHM study on school girls, SNV
MHM supply chain powerpoint UNICEF
Mapping the knowledge and understanding of MH
MHM flyer general
CMP fund management guideline
FCHVs and Menstruation, RWSSP-WN
Menstruation and adult women, RWSSP-WN
MHM Position Paper, RWSSP-WN
Students and Menstruation, RWSSP-WN
Teachers and Menstruation, RWSSP-WN
MHM training manual, WSSCC
MHM training guide WaterAid
Annex A - Water point application
MHM the basics WaterAid
Menstrual hygiene materials WaterAid
Disabling Menstrual Barriers, WaterAid
MHM agenda in schools, UNICEF
Proceedings of the 5th Annual Virtual Conference on MHM, UNICEF
Safepad User-instructions
Safepad towards SDGs
Introducing Safepad
Annex B - Follow-up
Quide to equitable WSP, WHO
Slides to support equity integration in WSP, WHO
WHO Guideline for WSP Audit
WSP Audit Training Report 2019, Ethiopia
Audit training PowerPoint 2019 Ethiopia
WSP Presentation of Arbaminch
CR-WSP update Ethiopia
Annex E - Field appraisal form
Lessons learned in COWASH CR-WSP
WSP lessons learned in Ethiopia, WHO, 2016
WSP manual
Hazard identification in watershed
Watershed_Management Principles
WASH KAP Baseline Survey Report (130917), UNICEF
Assessment of knowledge and practice of MHM high school girls in Western Ethiopia
Annex F - Aknowledgement receipt
Detailed proceedings of Ethiopia-Uganda learning on O and M
Summary proceedings of Ethiopia-Uganda learning on O and M
Health Policy of Ethiopia 1993
Education and training policy, Ethiopia, 1994
Hygiene and EH strategy
Hygiene and Environmental Health Strategy 2016
Integrated USH SAP, 2017
Integrated USH Strategy 2017
Water sector policy, Ethiopia, 2001
Annex A - Water point application
Water sector strategy, Ethiopia, 2001
SWASH Strategy, Oct 2017
National Social Protection Policy of Ethiopia
UNICEF Guidance on menstrual health and hygiene
UNICEF Guide to menstrual hygiene materials
Event Program June 6, 2019
Ensuring No One Is Left Behind, Research 2019
Asenteiden muuttaja Aino Himanen
Annex B - Follow-up
New Floor Plan
Exhibitor Manual
Gender equality and disability inclusion in WASH, WaterAid
Inclusive Conference Guide
Asenteiden muuttaja Aino Himanen
Annex E - Field appraisal form
JTR 10 inclusion subgroup executive summary FINAL
Energy Sector Overview and Reform Direction
Ethiopia Water Resources and Basins
Irrigation Development in Ethiopia
Annex F - Acknowledgement receipt
Transboundary strategies
WRDM Strategy Integration with SDGs
WASH Sector Panel Discussion
Introduction and cross cutting, Bekele
2.4. Energy Resource Mix in Ethiopia - Current Status and Future Direction (17.06.2019)
2.3. Water and Energy Week_Wind Energy Opportunities and Emerging (18 June 2019)
2.2 Prospects of Geothermal Energy in Ethiopia (June 2019) MESERET (R))
2.1 Electricity Sector of Ethiopia
1.4 PIANA Enel Green Power_final
Annex G - Approval form
1.1 Crogate_WB_NEP_EWEW
2.3 Bubbler_Addis_Ababa_Short_Presntation
2.2 Water Based Growth Corridor June2019
1.3 The Unmodern part of the modern SSI development
1.2 Smallholder irrigation development EWW
1.1 Ethiopian Major Irrigation Projects_EWEW Presention_Michael MM
3.EWRCA Presentation on Water and Energy Week
Annex H - Funding agreement
2.Ethiopian Water Works Ass_Gethune .
1.Water and Energy Week - 10-12 June 2019_ERG_Hilawe
5 Experience and Contribution of Professional Associations june 18 2019
4 Experience & Contributions of ESEE Rev.
3 Water and energy research1
2 Engage- For Leap Change
1 Water and Energy Symposium
2.4_Manaye_Model Water Utility _UNICEF_WaterAiD
Annex J - General conditions annex II of the funding agreement
2.3_Geremew_s_Piped Supply at Premise
2.2_MoWIE_OWNP I Lessons and OWNP II Key Features(Updated)
2.1_Dr Beshah_Historical Per_160619
1.4_Integrated urban Sanitation WB UNICEF22
1.3_Asherfedin_CLTSH and ODF_MoWIE__June_15edited
1.2_Dr. Negash_ODF _ Presentation_ Negash
2.3 TK_EWEW__GW_ Resources_Tesfaye_k
2.2 Potential groundwater exploration sites for large scale development
Annex L - Roles and responsibilities of a WASHCO
2.1 GWP Presentation1 EWEW
1.3 NIWRM Dr. Adanech & Dr. Tena
1.2 Monitoring and Information system of Hydrology EWEW 18 June 2019revised111
1.1 Clim_Info_forecast_Water_day_Jun_2019_final_V_short
Existing and Planned Map of Power System 1
2.2 EWEW - Biogas Technology in Ethiopia
1.4.EWEW Presention on operationa challenges on curreent power sector
1.3. Tariff-Theory-Practice-Ethiopia-18062019
Annex M - Construction monitoring report
1.2. Getahun Energy Efficviency in the Ethiopian Context III (1)
1.1 SG Presentation - Overall Status of implementation of the Strategic Plan and the Action Plan - 03June2019 (1)
6 Irrigation Financing 19 June 19
5 Irrigation_MIS_EWEW_17-20 June 2019
4 Tena+Mekonnen - Performance and Sustainability of Irrigation Schemes in Ethiopia 11062019
3 Global experience in water use association, Lessens for Ethiopia
2 Institutional issues and irrigation water management - 19 June 2019 - Fitsum Hagos
1 Irrigation Institution Practices and Challenges
Annex P - Financial report for woreda WaSH team
2.4 Sustainable & Affordable Financing
2.3 Solar Power Driven Rural Water Supply Systems Implementation, Practices and Challenges of WVE
2.2 Financing Through Soft Loans
1.3 School WASH Overview
2.1 CSOs Investment in the WASH Sector
1.3 School WASH Overview
1.2_COWASH takeaways
1.1_Capacity Building Contribution
04_WaSH Takeaway
Annex R - Progress report format for financial institution
03_Water Resources Basin Takeaway
02_Irrigration Takeaway
01 Energy Takeaway
call for actions - final
Disability awareness raising, Dr Abebe and Melaku Teklu
Gender Equity and Disability Inclusion in OWNP II, Lakech
Annex W - Micro-finance institution & BoFED agreement
Inclusive WASH for persons with disabilities, WaterAid
Equity and Disability Inclusion Workshop Report
Ethiopian OWNP-CWA - POM Second Draft June 3,2019
COWASH III Final Performance Audit Report 310519
COWASH III Final Performance Audit Report 310519
Marjaana Pekkola opening in Equity and Disability Inclusion event May 14, 2019
Annex V - Training synopses A-F
SNNPR DI supportive supervision report_29_March_2019
Oromia DI supportive supervision report_19_April_2019
Tigray DI supportive supervision report_16_May_2019
Amhara DI supportive supervision report_24_June_2019
How to turn setbacks in to Comebacks, COWASH Female Artisan 150719
A day in the life of community during CMP implementation, 140719
Annex X - Duties and responsibilitie of various actors
Artisans in COWASH, 140719
Private sector involvement in COWASH_The case of Artisans, 140719
Story of Basona Warena Woreda in CMP development, 140719
MHM Assessment COWASH (110719)
MHM Assessment COWASH (110719)
Annex Z - Institutional latrine application
MHM Assessment COWASH (110719)
MHM photo
National School WASH Guideline Nov 2017
SWaSH Strategy, Nov 2017
FMoH_2017 Onsite Household Latrine Technology Option Planning and Construction Manual
Fouth Edition of drinking water guidelines, WHO
The handbook of water information systems, 2018
Annex ZA 1 - Daily community labor contribution recording
COWASH Phase III Federal part report (2009-2011)
0 Draft MSF -10 Plan
MSF Budget_Draft
Likainen vesi levittaa tappavia tauteja, Jan 2007
Tehokkaalla tiedotuksella vahva omistajuus, Olli Moilanen June 2007
Vesihankkeiden kestavyys, May 2004
Annex ZA 2 - Daily community material contribution recording
Vesihanke auttaa koyhimpia auttamaan itse itseaan, Eija hietanen, 2006
CDF Article on July 22, 2004 for WEDC
Contact women strategy
Marketing Safewater Systems
Performance-based funding for reliable rural water services
The handbook of water information systems, 2018
Annex ZB 2 - Community material contribution summary
Health Development Army in Ethiopia
Women Development Army strategy implementation
Strengthening the business case for water, sanitation and hygiene - how to measure value for your business
OWNP -CWA POM Final Draft Aug 21 2019 Abiy
Financing Strategy
Annex ZD - Budget release request by WASHCOs
Conceptual paper for communication strategy
Final Sector Review Report
Press releases of MSF 1
Opening remarks and key notes
MSF 1 agenda and program
Annex ZE - Variation assessment report form
EUWI MSF participants list
Policy and regulation session
Planning, Implementation and coordination
Group works introduction
EUWI MSF session 6 - Discussion and Response on Communicatio
Annex ZF - Variation approval from the woreda WaSH team
EUWI MSF session 6 - Discussion and Response on Private Sect
EUWI MSF session 6 - private sector participation study
EUWI MSF session 6- Communication Stakeholder Analysis
EUWI MSF session 6 - Ethiopia Ground Water Assessment Projec
EUWI MSF session 8 - remarks on UAP
EUWI MSF session 6 - Donors Assistance Group on Water
Annex ZG - Project supervision report form during construction
MSF Aid Memoire
WASH-MSF 2 Statement
Evaluation report on the MSF 1 undertakings
Final Sector Review Report (JTR 1)
Evaluation report on the MSF 1 undertakings
Annex ZH 1 - Quarterly summary of project application status
May 2008 JTR and Agreed Actions (JTR 2)
TOR for the 3rd JTR Mission
JTR 4 Final Report (Oct 2009)
MSF 3 Review of Undertakings
MSF-3 Agenda and Presentations
Opening and Key note speeches
Annex ZF - Variation approval from the woreda WaSH team
MSF-3 Statement and Proceedings
MSF-3 Statement, Undertakings and Proceedings
Exhibitions materials
Annex ZH 3 - Quarterly summary of water point's budget utilization
Documents related to Undertakings
TVET issues
Universal Access Plan II
WASH Implementation Framework
WASH MoU related papers
Annex ZI - Physical and financial plan annexes to funding agreement
Other presentations
JTR-5 presentation
Closing and undertakings
Annex ZH 3 - Quarterly summary of water point's budget utilization
MSF 5 Preparatory documents
Opening, press release, program
Proceedings and action plan
MSF 5 Undertakins
Annex ZI - Physical and financial plan annexes to funding agreement
JTR 6 Final
JTR 7 final
Keynote speeches
Presentation of progress of MSF 5 undertakings
MSF 6 Program, final
Annex ZI - Physical and financial plan annexes to funding agreement
Finance and coordination
4th Annual CSO WaSH Report
H&S in One WASH
Annex ZK - More on CMP funds and flow of funds
MSF 6 proceedings and final program
JTR 8 for MSF 6
MSF 7 proceedings
Annex ZL - Format for project completion report
MSF 7 Undertakings and Action Plan
JTR 9 reports for MSF 7
MSF 8 keynote speeches
Achieving MSF 7 Undertakings
Achieving MSF 7 Undertakings
Generic Memorandum of Understanding between CMP financiers
MSF 8 theme presentations
1a. Day One Parallel Session, Climate Change, PDF
1b. Day One Parallel session, Inclusivity, PDF
1c. Day One Parallel Session, One WASH, PDF
1c. Day One Parallel Session, One WASH, PDF
1c. Day One Parallel Session, One WASH, PDF
1d. Day two Parallel session One, Hygiene, PDF
1e. Day two Parallel session two, Water Quality, PDF
1f. Day two Parrallel session Three, SWASH, PDF
2. Day Two, Plenary Morning, PDF
3. Day Two Plenary Afternoon, PDF
Achieving MSF 7 Undertakings
Financing the SDGs
Briefing on OWNP and CWA evolvement
MSF 8 proceedings
MSF 8 Undertakings and undertaking action plans
MSF-8 Program
JTR 10 reports
Key Notes from Speeches and press releases
MSF 9 program
First plenary presentations
Day Two Plenary presentations
Universal Access Plan (UAP) - Executive summary
One WASH Review and Phase II Plan
COWASH WaterAID Inclusive WASH Experience
Climate resilience
WRM presentations
HEH presentations in PDF
Drought Areas WS Program Doc, May 4, 2018
OWNP phase I review document, June, 2018
Rural water supply Universal Access Plan (UAP)
Proceeding (long) Final MSF 9
Undertakings and action plan
JTR -11 Report presentation
Suomen tuki Etiopian vesisektorille tayttaa 25 vuotta (5)
COWASH I-III two pager (8)
COWASH I-III_suomeksi
Urban water supply Universal Access Plan (UAP III)
COWASH I-III Suomi Final
National WASH finacing working group meeting minute1
Financing the SDGs, Samuel Godfrey, 2017
25 years of Finnish support 081119
COWASH I-III results Nov 2019
COWASH I-III Suomi Final
Rural water supply Universal Access Plan (UAP I)
COWASH I-III Suomi Final
Integrating CR with WASH by Abiy Girma
MSF evolution
Guide to equitable WSP
CR-WSP, Managing health risks associated with climate variability and change
Urban sanitation Universal Access Plan (UAP IV)
Strengthening O and M through WSP
Roadmap to WSP resources
Guidelines for drinking water quality
WSP Manual
WSP manual for small communty water supplies
WSP field guide for small water supplies
slides-to-support-equity-integration in WSP
wsp-training-pack-spot-hazardous events
wsp-training-pack-module 11, Revise the plan
National hygiene and sanitation strategic action plan (SAP Part II))
wsp-training-pack-module 10, Periodic reviews
wsp-training-pack-module 9, Develop supporting programs
wsp-training-pack-module 8, Prepare management procedures
wsp-training-pack-module 7, Verify effectiveness
wsp-training-pack-module 6, Define control measures
wsp-training-pack-module 5, Develop improvement plan
wsp-training-pack-module 4, Determine control measures
wsp-training-pack-module 3, Identify hazards
wsp-training-pack-module 2, Describe the WS system
wsp-training-pack-module 1, Assemble the team
National hygiene & sanitation strategic action plan, part II (SAP II)
wsp-training-pack-module 0, Overview
Facilitator handbook
ODF Campaign Framework, Final
ODF Campaign flyer 1
271119 MSF 10 WASH Undertakings, Final
Urban sanitation Universal Access Plan (UAP IV)
CR-WSP, Final
Equity and Inclusion final
Institutional Capacity Building, Final
Quality In WaSH final
Sanitation Marketing Final
Sustainability Final
WASH Financing - Equity Final
WASH Financing, Final
WASH Marketing Final
WASH - Takeaways - MSF 10
National hygiene & sanitation strategic action plan (UAP II)
MSF evolution and MSF 9 Undertakings progress, final
JTR-12, Summary of Mission Report MSF 10_Final
Global Monitoring Tools Final
ODF Presentation
WSS Strategic Plan_Draft_English
Modern Irrigated Development through Educated Youth Program
Lake Beseka Water use (1)
Policy and legal Processes for Payment for Ecosystem Services
National hygiene and sanitation strategy for Ethiopia
Strategic pillars of BDA and NIWRMP
Sustainable Water Hyacinth Management Strategy
Water based Growth Corridor Approach for Irrigation Development
Water productivity as Valuing water in Small Scale Irrigation
WRM-Takeaways-MSF 10 Final
MSF 10 program final
MSF 10 Photos
Ethiopian water resources management policy
Sanitation Safety Planning Manual
Practical guide to auditing WSPs
WSP audit training materials
Strengthening O and M through WSP
Second CMP Doctor (3)
Ethiopian water sector strategy
CMP finanace & property management
CMP funding agreement bn.WASHCO & WWT
CMP projects application preparation
Pre & post test questions for CMP trainings
Presentation of General issues on CMP
Presentation on CMP appraisal & approval
Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on integrated implementation of WaSH program (draft)
Presentation on CMP procurement and contracting
Presentation on CMP procurement and contracting
Presentation on Roles and Responsibilities in CMP
WASHCOs recording & reporting in CMP
CMP finanace & property management
CMP funding agreement bn.WASHCO & WWT
CMP projects application preparation
Pre & post test questions for CMP trainings
Presentation of General issues on CMP
Ethiopian WaSH M&E manual (draft)
Presentation on CMP appraisal & approval
Presentation on CMP procurement and contracting
Presentation on Roles and Responsibilities in CMP
WASHCOs recording & reporting in CMP
CMP finanace & property management
Pre-Test Questions for WASHCO CMP Management ToT
Inclusive hand dug well design in COWASH III_Final
COWASH web database manual
Artisans training manual in water schemes construction
Tigray Disability inclusion review workshop July 10, 2019
SNNPR DI supportive supervision report March 29, 2019
Oromia DI supportive supervision report April 19, 2019
Tigray DI supportive supervision report May 16, 2019
Amhara DI supportive supervision report June 24, 2019
Amhara DI supportive supervision report November 29, 2019
COWASH Disability Inclusion presentation
Disability presentations
Kavin Etiopiassa, Juha Itkonen
Kavin Etiopiassa, Juha Itkonen
Kilpajuoksu Afrikkaan, Kari Huhta
Suomen tuki Etiopian vesisektorille tayttaa 25 vuotta (5)
Summarized MSF 10 proceedings - 150220
Full MSF 10 Proceedings - 150220
Full MSF 10 Proceedings 160220
Summarized MSF 10 Proceedings 190220
Full MSF 10 Proceedings 260220
Summarized MSF 10 Proceedings 260220
Full MSF 10 Proceedings 260220
Summarized MSF 10 Proceedings 260220
Full MSF 10 Proceedings
COWASH III compiled annual report 2009-2011 EFY
CMP1 draft learning note template CD example john
CMP Development Story in Basona Warena Woreda, Arto
CMP scaling up story in general
CMP scaling up story in Amhara by Yimer 290419
CMP development and what CMP is
Shnkurt Medeb Spring Development in Basona Woreda
CMP modality of sustainability by Arto Suominen March 21, 2020
Community Procurement, Lesson learnt 060219
COWASH Contribution to the WASH sector developmenr
COWASH Disability_Lessons learnt with photos_09 Feb 2019_Final john
CMP woredas
Gender Case Study on WASHCO Performance Learning Note, COWASH
Impacting on women in COWASH
Time saved by women and girls in COWASH
Brief on COWASH guidelines and manuals_280120
COWASH Perfomance Monitoring Learning note 091119
Case Story_Bambasi Woreda_MK_11.06.19
CMP woredas
Lessons learned in MSE development
Rural Water Supply O&M manual brief summary_221119
Story of Aino_March 8
Story of Bertukan Asmamaw
Feyera Kebede- Personal story
Mohammed-Nur- Personal Story
Walk with an international auditor, Taavi Leinikka
Yohannes strory from Chencha
CMP woredas
Female artisan in Arbaminch Zuria Woreda
Private sector development in Arbaminch Zuria Woreda
Private sector development in COWASH
Brief on adapting CMP approcah in schools _91219
COWASH school WASH story
Lesson on SECRSM implementation Dec 19, 2018
CMP woredas
WASHCO files story
WASHCO legalization status in COWASH regions
Brief on COWASH support to woredas _170220
25 years of Finnish support 081119
COWASH I-III Suomi Final
COWASH I-III two pager (8)
CMP woredas
COWASH in Abichu Gnea Woreda_Blog
Story from Dejen Woreda of Amhara Region
Story from Fogera Woreda, Amhara Region
Story from Guagusha Shikudad Woreda of Amhara Region
Case Story of Spare Part Supply Enterprise In Basona Worana
WASH facility Assessment checklist for Covid-19
CMP woredas
COVID-19 and persons with psychosocial disabilities
WHO disability considerations in covid 19
covid broshour back
covid broshour front
people with symptoms poster
prevention method poster
Toll free line
Nutrition services in COVID-19 Response
Guide_to_Local_Production of handrub
WHO disability considerations in covid 19
Global Humanitarian Response Plan COVID-19
WASH facility Assessment checklist for Covid-19
WASH Cluster Partners for Covid-19 Preparedness (03)
Universal Access Plan mass mobilization strategy
Water Sanitation Hygiene and Waste Management - COVID-19 v1.1
Oromia DI supportive supervision report_February_2020_updated
COVID 19 Handbook for health professionals FMOH 2020
Clean your hands 17.4
COVID-19 Prevention and Control in Schools 17.4
WashEm Handwashing with soap 17.4
COWASH inception phase report
National drinking water quality monitoring and surveillance strategy
Spring protection O&M Guideline
BG DI supportive supervision report_February_2020
Tigray DI supportive supervision report_December_2019
Frontieri Insights
Building adaptive WRM in Ethiopia
Governance and Drivers of Change in Ethiopia’s Water Supply Sector
Ethiopia, Strategic Framework for Managed Groundwater Development
Water institutions in the Awash basin of Ethiopia
Ethiopian water sector development program vol 2
Ethiopian water sector development program vol 1
Ethiopia Demographic and Health survey 2011
Ethiopia Demographic Health Survey 2000
Ethiopia Demographic Health Survey 2016
Ethiopia Demographic Health Survey 2016, Key Indicators
Ethiopia Mini Demographic and Health Survey 2019
Ethiopia country report 2015
COWASH News on COVID Support
Antsokia Gemza Woreda in Amhara already started the COWASH III COVID
Vesisektori Etiopiassa
COVID 19 Handbook for health professionals FMOH 2020
Amhara woreda fact sheets 2011 EFY, PDF
BG woreda fact sheets 2011 EFY
Oromia Woreda Fact sheets by 2011 EFY in PDF
SNNP woreda fact sheets by 2011 EFYin PDF
Tigray woreda fact sheets by 2011 EFY
Amhara Region COWASH 1-3 Fact Sheet
BG Region COWASH 1-3 Fact Sheet
SNNP Region COWASH 1-3 Fact Sheet
Tigray Region COWASH 1-3_Fact sheet
Oromia Region COWASH 1-3 Fact Sheet
Zigem 1
Yilmana Densa 1
Wadla 1
Woredas From Q to Z
Woredas starting with H, K and M
Woredas starting with F and G
Woredas starting with E
Woredas starting with D
Woredas Starting with B and C
Woredas starting with A
BG woreda Maps in the word document
SNNP woreda Maps on word document
Tigray Woreda Maps in word document
Oromia woreda maps from J to T
Oromia Woreda Maps from A to H
TOT on COVID_Oromia
TOT on COVID_Oromia
Fortune article on COWASH on August 2, 2020
The Ethiopian Herald news on COWASH on July 29, 2020
01. Tigray
02 Amhara
03 oromia
05 BG
COVID images
Disability knowledge
A2 poster in Amharic
Other amharics
Other facts
Health workers
Other facts
Health workers
Home care
Generic 1
Generic 2
Generic 3
Generic 4
Generic Presentations
10 key steps of CMP
Pregnant women
Stress and risk groups
Water point
COWASH COVID overall briefing
Identification Criteria and WP prioritization
CMP Guideline and Rehabilitation
Formats for CMP
Some CMP formats in Word
Guide for Community water schemes COVID-19 resilience building
Spring protection sanitary inspection
Amharic Dug well sanitary inspections
English Dug well sanitary inspections
Autocad drawings
Health Centers and Health Posts
School WASH COVID guidelines
COVID resilience building in COWASH households
HH water management practices Part 1
HH water management practices Part 2
Amharic household water management practises
Ahead materials as JPG
Preparations for GBV, HTP and DI assessment
Reporting quidelines and formats
Communication and advocacy in COVID
Presentations on GBV, HTP and DI
Presentation of COWASH in 9 years
COWASH quarterly report January-March 2012
Overall presentation on COWASH 6m extension
Presentation on CMP Implementation in COWASH III Extension
Presentation on Community hand wash facility
presentation on Hand wash design at health post
presentation on Hand wash design at the health center
Presentation on Hand wash design at schools
Presentation on Sanitary Inspections
GPS setting and water point coordinates
Full MSF 10 Proceedings 260220 b
Summarized MSF 10 Proceedings 260220 b
National self supply policy guideline
Amharic version of community water hand wash design guideline
Training Report_COWASH _31.8.2020
Training Report_COWASH _31.8.2020
COWASH News Amharic
COWASH III 9 Years Brief
COWASH III 2009-2011 EFY Cumulative Performance Report
COWASH Phase III Extension Project Brief Pager
CR-WSP audit finding dissemenation workshop Report Nov 2019
Amharic_inclusive response to COVID-19 at the household level_10920
Inclusive response to COVID-19 at the household level 010920
25 years of Finnish support 171119
COWASH I-III Suomi Final
Vesisektori Etiopiassa Jukka Aronen
COWASH I-III Suomi Final 091119
CMP woredas
Vesisektori Etiopiassa Jukka Aronen 160620
25 years of Finnish support 171119
COWASH guidelines and manuals 280120
25 years of Finnish support 171119
COWASH I-III Suomi Final 091119
Vesisektori Etiopiassa Jukka Aronen 160620
A day in the life of community in Basona Woreda 140719
CMP woredas
Adapting CMP approach in schools 220620
CMP scaling up story in Amhara 290419
Community procurement in Abichu Gna woreda 260119
Story of CMP development in Basona Warena 030719
Antsokia disability inclusion best practice in RPS 060818
Disability integration in Woredas 200419
Inclusive 4 faucet tap design in COWASH III 140220
Reaching the most vulnerable, EWDNA, 270718
Walking the talk, COWASH inclusion, 250418
Adapting CMP approach to improve WASH in schools 050920
Community Procurement 060219
COWASH contribution to the WASH Sector 050920
Artisans in Arbaminch Zuria Woreda, 140719
Artisans in COWASH 140719
How to turn setbacks into comebacks, Female Artisan in AMZ 140719
Only Female artisan in AMZ Woreda 240619
Spare Part Supply Enterprise In Basona Worana060420
Sanitation Marketing in Medebaye-Zana 310718
A case in balance, sanitation marketing in Medebaysana 270718
Women-led MSE development process in COWASH 040518
Briefing on Women-led MSEs_COWASH 250119
Lessons learned in MSE development 080219
MSEs learning note 3
SECRSM brief 080219
Lesson on SECRSM implementation 191218
Lessons learned in COWASH CR-WSP 060219
Water Schemes Maintenance Enterprise 070920
COWASH Perfomance Monitoring Learning note 091119
COWASH Perfomance Monitoring Learning note 091119
Capacity Development in COWASH 040920
COWASH capacity building interventions 040920
COWASH support to woredas, 170120
COWASH 2018 Mid Term Evaluation, 070618
COWASH contribution to the WASH Sector 050920
CMP research project
Gender Learning Note 260916
Women Empowerment in COWASH, English, 100419
Women Empowerment in COWASH, Afan Oromo 240619
Women Empowerment in COWASH, Amharic, 030519
Women empowerment in COWASH, Tigrigna, 070519
Addressing Women's Empowerment 050920
Impacting on women in COWASH 080219
Gender Case Study on WASHCO Performance, 2016
Ele Spring WASHCO in Genta Bonke in AMZ woreda 121216
National hygiene & sanitation strategic action plan (UAP II)
In Search of water in Benishangul Gumuz 310718
Life of Rural Community in Gonji Kolella of Amhara 121216
Women Led WASHCO in Abichugnea Woreda 121216
Zegemesk Spring in Amhara, 270718
Best Performing WASHCOs in Tigray Region260520
The Steward, Yelibe, 261214
The Leader, Zinash Abebe, 280217
Water and Job, Medihanit Chekol, 270718
The farmer story, Ato Menibel 220419
COWASH in Abichu Gnea Woreda 110519
Dejen Woreda of Amhara Region 120519
Fogera Woreda, Amhara Region 020519
Guagusha Shikudad Woreda of Amhara 030519
COWASH 2018 Mid Term Evaluation, 070618
COWASH towards financial transparency and accountability 250418
Healing the Scars in Genta Bonke of AMZ woreda 270718
COWASH school WASH story 261218
Saving water, (Amharic) 190219
WASHCO legalization status in COWASH regions 080120
COWASH guidelines and manuals 280120
COWASH I-III results Nov 2019
Rural Water Supply O&M manual brief summary, 221119
Final Endline Survey Report for COWASH III Project May 30, 2020
COWASH learning note disabilities final
Lessons learnt in the accessibility of water points and institutional latrines 130820
Water Supply System Management (WSSM) TOR final doc
WASHCO legalization proclamation for Benishangul-Gumuz region
COVID-19 Directive 30-2020 (051020)
Final revised GEDI ToR as per the WB comments (14.07.20)
OWNP-CWA Phase -I Draft Program Completion Report_25 June 2020
CR-WSP audit finding dissemenation workshop Report Nov 2019
CR-WSP audit finding dissemenation workshop Report Nov 2019
DRAFT Report on CR-WSP Auditing to 10 TWSSE and 6 RCMWS
Abergele COWASH 1-3
WASHCO legalization regulation for Benishangul-Gumuz region
Rapid assessment of COVID-19 knowledge and attitudes in Assosa
Agenda and registration
Other materials
Overall contents
Sessions 1-12
Amharic ppt for Liquid Soap Production
Training on Liquid Detergents, English
76 Woredas COWASH 1-3 Fact Sheet_141220
Tigray Region Woredas' Fact Sheet_141220
SNNPR Region Woredas' Fact Sheet-141220
OROMIA Region Woredas' Fact Sheet_141220
BG Region Woredas' Fact Sheet_141220
Amhara, from Farta to Zigem
Amhara, from Abergele to Enarg Enawga
Amhara, from Farta to Zigem
Amhara, from Abergele to Enarg Enawga
BG Region Woredas' Fact Sheet_141220
SNNPR Region Woredas' Fact Sheet-141220
OROMIA Region Woredas' Fact Sheet_141220
Capacity Development Plan in Rural WaSH (draft)
Tigray Region Woredas' Fact Sheet_141220
COWASH 4 Appraisal report
COWASH 4 Project Document
National_Market_Based_Sanitation Training Manual_Dec_2020_Final
Lessons learnt in the accessibility of water points and institutional latrines 090221
COWASH learning note disabilities 160920
Lessons learnt in the accessibility of water points and institutional latrines 090221
Menstrual Lives in Rural Ethiopia
School WASH accessibility audit report and suggestions for improving accessibility
School WASH accessibility audit report and suggestions for improving accessibility
COWASH III 2009-2012 EFY Result Based Completion Report_Draft5
COWASH III Completion Report, Volume II, Annexes
CMP woredas in the regional map of Amhara
Valuing Water as an input to production and socio-economic activity
Valuing Water Services
Valuing Water Sources and Infrastructure
Read out on World Water Day 2021
WWD One Pager final
Vacancy anouncement BCS April 2021
Vacancy anouncement WSPS April 2021
Vacancy anouncement WSPS April 2021
CMP woredas on the map of Amhara region
Ethiopia Humanitarian Fund Strategy Paper - April 2021
Mini EDHS 2019_Final Report
Mini EDHS 2019_Final Report
250521 Over two decades of community, News of Niras
290521 COWASH IV News in Addis Standard Facebook page
CMP woredas on the map of Benishangul-Gumuz region
260521 GoF support to WASH 27 years
Bilateral Agreement COWASH IV
Framework Agreement
COWASH 4 Appraisal report
COWASH 4 Project Document
CMP woredas on the map of SNNPR region
Diagnosis check lists
Water Agent Duties and Evaluation
WP Grading
WUAF Checklist of intervention
WUAF Dashboard
WUAF Level
DB above ground
DB on slope
CMP woredas on the map of Tigray region
Concrete Reservoir Construction
Reservoir DB Technical drawing
Reservoir Technical Drawing
WP Cattle trough
WP Double Elevation
WP Double Top View
WP School pipe
WP School Side
WP School Top
WP Simple Elevation
CMP woredas on the map of Oromia region
WP Simple Top View
IAF RCBDIA Presentation Social
IAF RCBDIA Presentation Technical
Rural Water supply Standards
AMCOW African Sanitation Policy Guidelines 2021
M&E in the Rural Water Sector in Ethiopia, Aug 2021
Policy Analysis of Ethiopia’s Rural Water O&M Policiesm Aug 2021
240821 COWASH General Presentation
Policy Analysis of Ethiopia's Rural Water OM Policies
Blog writing on Maintenance – The Key to Water Infrastructure Development
Vacancy anouncement CDS September 2021
Sidama MoU of COWASH IV
Oromia MoU of COWASH IV
Amhara MoU of COWASH IV
School WASH management, maintenance and Operation Guide
20210802 MoF salary scale regulation
COWASH News on signing MOU for Phase IV
Situational Analysis Report on Gender Equity and Disability Inclusion for WASH Sector in Eth _Final
National Gender Mainstreaming Manual Amharic version -Final Edited (2)
National Gender Mainstreaming Manual English version,12 April 2021
Global Hand Washing Day 2021
2021 GHWD Theme of Ethiopia
Roles and Responsibilities of COWASH IV Stakeholders, Final
COWASH IV Federal PAM v7
MoF and BoF MoU on COWASH IV Amhara and BG
MoF and BoF MoU on COWASH IV Oromia, Sidama and SNNP
Guide to apply work permit, final
Regional commitment letters
Financial Management Manual and PPT, final
Financial Management Manual and PPT, final
COWASH IV GoF budget allocation formula, final
Short term consultant recruitment process in COWASH 4
Gender Transformative & Disability Inclusive WASH Strategy in COWASH IV_Final
Draft National Water Policy and Strategy March 2020
Draft National Water Policy and Strategy March 2020
National WASH invetory_2 and MIS Report
National Ethiopia ODF Campaign 2019-2024
National Ethiopia ODF Campaign 2019-2024
COWASH IV CMP Implementation Manual Using WoF
CMP research project
COWASH IV CMP Investment Fund Management Guideline using MFIs
COWASH IV Institutional WASH Implementation manual using WMP
COWASH IV Training manual on Institutional WASH Implementation using WMP
List of COWASH IV training materials related to CMP Management
COWASH IV Communications Goals
ToR for Regional Support Units Oct 2021 V3
MoF Financial Specialist ToR
COWASH IV Project Woredas
COWASH IV WSP4+ Working Manual
COWASH IV Result Framework and Performance Monitoring Plan_3
COWASH IV assets transferred from Phase III and procured in Phase IV
COWASH IV Guideline to apply and organise work permit and ID
COWASH IV Indicators Reference Sheet1
COWASH IV 2014 EFY Core Plan, Amhara
COWASH IV 2014 EFY Core Plan, BG
COWASH IV 2014 EFY Core Plan, Oromia
COWASH IV 2014 EFY Core Plan, Sidama
COWASH IV 2014 EFY Core Plan, SNNP
COWASH IV 2014-2017 EFY Federal Level Plan V3
MoF Financial Specialist ToR
20210802 MoF salary scale directive
National Standard Definitions for Sanitation and Hygiene
COWASH SBC Strategy-Final
COWASH IV Gender Transformative & Disability Inclusive WASH Strategy
COWASH IV WASH- SLA Training Facilitators Guide
COWASH IV 2014-2017 EFY Federal Level Plan V3
COWASH IV 2014 EFY Core Plan, Amhara
COWASH IV 2014 EFY Core Plan, BG
COWASH IV 2014 EFY Core Plan, Oromia
COWASH IV 2014 EFY Core Plan, Sidama
COWASH IV 2014 EFY Core Plan, SNNP
COWASH IV 2014-2017 EFY Federal Level Plan V3
COWASH IV WASH- SLA Training Facilitators Guide
COWASH IV Gender Transformative & Disability Inclusive WASH Strategy
COWASH SBC Strategy-Final
COWASH IV Social Behavioural Change Training Manual
COWASH Social Behavioural Change Strategy
Health policy of Ethiopia 1993
COWASH IV Financial Specialist ToR employed by MoF
COWASH IV GoF budget allocation formula, final
MoF salary scale directive August 2021
Financial Management Manual and PPT, final
Regional commitment letters
Signed MoUs between the MoF and 5 Regional BoF
COWASH IV Project Woredas
COWASH IV Indicators Reference Sheet
COWASH IV Result Framework and Performance Monitoring Plan
COWASH IV assets transferred from Phase III and procured in Phase IV
COWASH IV Federal Project Administration Manual
COWASH IV Guide to apply work permit, final
COWASH IV Short term consultant recruitment process
COWASH IV Stakeholder Roles and Responsibilities
COWASH Annual Report 2004 EFY
ToR for Regional Support Units Oct 2021
COWASH IV WSP4+ Working Manual
COWASH IV Communications Goals
COWASH IV CMP Implementation Manual Using WoF
COWASH IV CMP Investment Fund Management Guideline using MFIs
COWASH IV Institutional WASH Implementation manual using WMP
COWASH IV Training manual on Institutional WASH Implementation using WMP
List of COWASH IV training materials related to CMP Management
Draft HH4A strategic road map Sep 2021
Draft Sanitation Subsidy Protocol_ 13_July_2021_Revised
Draft Sanitation Subsidy Protocol_ 13_July_2021_Revised
FTAT detailed budget for Phase IV
Steering Committee Meetings minutes
COWASH Phase IV Baseline Survey Terms of Reference
Amhara, BG, Oromia and SNNP 2013 EFY reports
Amharic community procurement guideline for COWASH Phase IV
COWASH WQ monitoring plan for new water points
Business Health Assement Tool
Saving book - English Version, draft
Annex 11. Issues to be considered in the development of COWASH IV Communication Strategy
Issues to be considered in the development of COWASH IV Communication Strategy
CMP Reserch Presentation
COWASH budget plan with MoF
Training Guideline on Women's Leadership in WASHCO Management, English
Gender Transformative & Disability Inclusive WASH Strategy in COWASH IV_Final
Training Guideline on Women's Leadership in WASHCO Management, English
Gender Transformative & Disability Inclusive WASH Strategy in COWASH IV_Final
Quarter 1 2005 EFY Performance Report
COWASH Phase IV 2014-2017 EFY Federal Level Plan V4
ToR for Regional Support Units Jan 2022 V4
COWASH Phase IV 2014-2017 EFY Federal Level Plan V4
ToR for Regional Support Units Jan 2022 V5
Applying work permits from the MoLSD_COWASH IV
Draft Pictorial_Guidance_for_Classification_of_Dry_Pit_Latrines
COWASH Quarter 1 2005 EFY Performance Report
Draft Pictorial_Guidance_for_Classification_of_Dry_Pit_Latrines
Integrating women in MBS
National_Market_Based_Sanitation Training Manual_Dec_2020_Final
Transform WASH Market based sanitation TOR
Composting toilet benefits
Draft HH4A strategic road map Sep 2021
Pocket Book_for ODF Plus
Signed MoU Nov 2012
2013 ARM proceeding and recommendations Diredawa
National Sanitation Operational Definitions-Final
Draft Sanitation Subsidy Protocol_ 13_July_2021_Revised
Reaching 100 percent sanitation access in Ethiopia, article Jan 2022
COWASH IV Inception Report_final
COWASH IV Inception Report_final
MSF 5 Schedule
002. Ebsa, Meeting Note_HH4ALL road map finalization Workshop
003. Meeting Note_of Costing plan worshop for HH4ALL roadmap
MSF 5 undertakin 6th draft
001. Gender Based Violence support visit to BG
Gender Mainstreaming
Harmonized DSA for donor funded projects, April 2016
Harmonized DSA for donor funded projects, April 2016
DSA rates for Dev Partner funded projects, Jan 2019
DSA Rates for Dev Partners Funded Projects, Oct 2020
Perdiem and DSA rules MoF 2013 2020, Amharic
Growth_and_Changes_Ethiopia_Book_Amharic and English
Ethiopian water Resources Management Policy
Growth_and_Changes_Ethiopia_Book_Amharic and English
Growth_and_Changes_Ethiopia_Book_Amharic and English
MIssion Schedule Feb 28 march 9 revised
MAL - OWNP CWA II Joint Impelementation Support Review Mission Final
Proceeding of the 6 Month Review Meeting February 2022
Ethiopian Water Sector Strategy
OWNP-CWA -2012 phase I and II reports and 2013 EFY Plan of Action August 10
1. OWNP-CWA Phase II Overview and Status 2022 January 21
Final OWNP-CWA Pae II 2013 Annual Report (002)
Proceeding of the 6 Month Review Meeting February 2022
POM Final version 10.22.19 Volume I (002)
MoWE Organogram Feb 2022, Amharic
MoWE Organogram Feb 2022 translated
Gener Mainstreaming Field Manual
Enhancing Women Leadership in WASHCO Management, Revised Training Manual, Amharic
Enhancing Women's leadership in WASHCO Management, Training Manual, English
MAL - OWNP CWA II Joint Impelementation Support Review Mission Final
Feb 22 - MIssion Schedule Feb 28 march 13 revised
WASHO Files, learning notes
Situational Analysis Report on Gender Equity and Disability Inclusion for WASH Sector in Eth _Final
Opening speech
PPT. Situational analysis Report on GEDI for WASH sector in Ethiopia
MSF 5 undertakings Schedule
GEI program feb 2022
CWA II Implementation Completion Report (ICR) WB Feb2022
OWNP-CWA Phase II 2014 EFY 2nd Quarter Prgress Report 26 Feb 2022
PPT_Training on FM of COWASH Final_October 24_2021
Highlight SWASH Design and Construction Presentation
MSF 5 undertakin 6th draft
Lewam-Highlight SWASH Design and Construction Presentation
Netsanet-School WASH O& M PPT
COWASH revised Presentation1
SWASH Design and Construction Presentation MH FNL
OXFAM 4000 Spring Protection
School WASH accessibility audit report and suggestions for improving accessibility
Signed MoU Nov 2012
PPP_COWASH Experiences in DI_Feb 2022
CMP projects application preparation_2014EFY
CMP Promotion & eligability criteria_WWT
CMP WPs appraisal & approval_2014EFY
CMP WPs Funding agreement _2014EFY
Gender Mainstreaming Field Manual
Institutional WASH Implementation in WMP
Presentation in COWASH IV_Oromia 2014
Roles & responsibilites of CMP actors_MFI
SECRSM and WSP briefing on CMP training
Some points on CMP_2014
Tips on COWASH IV communication activities
WASH Business and Sanitation Development Presentataion
WASHCO Procurement, Finance & Property Management
MSF 5 undertakin (6th draft)
Water quality monitoring in COWASH IV
WWT Members Training_Gender and Inclusion Presentation
PPP_COWASH Experiences in DI_Feb 2022
Presentation_Orientation_GT&DI Strategy
Presentation_RT_ Women Leadership in WASHCO Mgt
SECRSM ToT Feb 2022
SECRSM Group exercise Jan 2022
(Nabin's presentation)
Investing in Inclusion-Handbook for businesses
COWASH and gender equality March 2022
COWASH and gender equality March 2022
Measuring disability
MoWIE Ten Years Strategic Plan final Draft_English Version 31 March 2021
The 2022 WWD, final
WWD2022-News-Release on Groundwater
CMP Approach Implementation Steps
COWASH Disability Inclusion_Illustrations
Disability Checklist for Training Attendees
CMP Water Schemes Application Form _Annex A to CMP Guideline
Water Schemes Application_ Field Appraisal Form_Annex E to CMP Guideline
Water Schemes Application_Desk Appraisal Form_Annex D to CMP Guideline
Hand dug well disability inclusive design
Presentation. COWASH Experiences in Disability Inclusion March 24, 2022
Presentation_Orientation_GT&DI Strategy
Presentation_RT_ Women Leadership in WASHCO Mgt
(Meron's presentation)
Presentation of COWASH IV Financial management May 2021
PPT_Training on FM of COWASH Final_October 24_2021
Presentation. SBC in COWASH IV Feb 2022
Presentatuions on communication in COWASH May 2021
Presentation. SECRSM ToT Feb 2022
Presentation. WASH SLA TRAINING Feb 2022
(Yewondwossen's presentation)
CMP Promotion & eligability criteria_WWT
CMP WPs appraisal & approval_2014EFY
CMP WPs Funding agreement _2014EFY
Institutional WASH Implementation in WMP
Measuring disability
Presentation in COWASH IV_Oromia 2014
Roles & responsibilites of CMP actors_MFI
SECRSM and WSP briefing on CMP training
(Matthew's presentation)
Some points on CMP_2014
Tips on COWASH IV communication activities
CMP projects application preparation_2014EFY
Water quality monitoring in COWASH IV
WASH Business and Sanitation Development Presentataion
WASHCO Procurement, Finance & Property Management
Green Legacy in Etiopia, WWF 9, March 2022, in Arabic
Green Legacy of Ethiopia, WWF 9, March 2022
Hydropower in Ethiopia, WWF 9 in Senegal, March 2022
Climate Resilient WASH, WWF 9, March 2022
Climate Resilient WASH, WWF 9, March 2022
Schedule for developing National WASH Sector Capacity Development Guideline Aug 30, 2021
Final ToR for WASH Capacity Assessment and CB Guideline Augst 30,2021
COVID directive published April 1, 2022
ToR for MTR - 6 April 2022 WB
COWASH IV Internal Audit Guideline, draft 1
ToR for the preparation of O&M Training Manual for Schools WASH (005)
Final 2022 April COWASH Disability Inclusion Training-Dr Abebe
Highlight on Gender and Disability Inclusion Strategy in COWASH IV
Final 2022 April COWASH Disability Inclusion Training-Dr Abebe
Highlight on Gender and Disability Inclusion Strategy in COWASH IV
2014 gender leader ship training final
2014 gender leader ship training final
Oromia Proclamation for WSS service
COWASH Project Document revision
Final Revised English COWASH Disability Inclusion Guideline April 2022
Water Quality Monitoring Manual
National Ethiopia ODF Campaign 2019-2024
Ethiopia ODF_qualitative insights report
Rural Water Supply and Sanitation System Management (WSSM) TOR final doc
RWSSSM Guideline final
National WASH financing Core group meeting minute 27 May 2022
FTAT Comments on Draft School WASH OM&M Manual rev 1
Presentation of RWSSSM 31.5.2022
Final_Revised_Amharic_Training Guideline on Women's Leadership in WASHCO Management_Feb.22
Final_Revised_English_Training Guideline on Women's leadership in WASHCO_ 210222
Final_Revised_English_COWASH Disability Inclusion Guideline_181017_Rev. 04'22
Project Document revision
Final_Revised_English_COWASH Disability Inclusion Guideline_181017_Rev. 04'22
Final_Revised_Amharic_Training Guideline on Women's Leadership in WASHCO Management_Feb.22
Final_Revised_English_Training Guideline on Women's leadership in WASHCO_ 210222
Final_Revised_Afan Oromo_Training Guideline on Women's Leadership in WASHCO Management
Final_Revised_Afan Oromo_Training Guideline on Women's Leadership in WASHCO Management
May_2022_Revised_Afaan Oromo_F_Brochure, Women Empowerment in COWASH IV
May_2022_Revised_Amharic_F_Brochure, Women Empowerment in COWASH IV
May_2022_Revised_English_F_Brochure, Women Empowerment in COWASH IV
National WaSH Coordination Office ToR (2009);(Un-official)
National Sanitation Subsidy Protocol-final4printing-2022
Sululta Woreda Water Supply
Chefie-tokofa kebele water supply, Sululta woreda
Werarasa Keta PS Water supply story final version
Werarasa Keta PS Water supply story final version
Clean water for quality education
Draft National Protocol for Hygiene and "on-site" Sanitation, Dec. 2005
National Hygiene and Sanitation Strategy for Ethiopia, Oct. 2005
Afan Oromo_COWASH disability Inclusion Guideline (8.19.22)
English_COWASH Disability Inclusion Guideline8.19.22_
WaSH M&E Framework and Manual Version 1.0
Yem WASH SLA case story Final
Yem WASH SLA case story Final
Kersa woreda COWASH pracice, nmc, FOF
Kersa woreda COWASH pracice, nmc, FOF
National Drinking Water Quality Monitoring and Surveillance Strategy May. 2011 (Un-offical)
Globa Hand Washing Day, Final pdf
The 2022 Global Hand Washing Day
Globa Hand Washing Day, Final pdf
Globa Hand Washing Day, Final pdf
Story on SBCC final pdf
Implementation Guideline for CLTSH Programming, Jan 2012 (Un-official)
Oromia, On Truck region in COWASH IV Final...
"Oromia, on-truck Region in COWASH IV
Home -made Chlorine for Sustainable Use
Home-made chlorine, for sustainable use final
Logo (2)
National Monitoring and reporting system for the implementation of CLTSH, Jan.2012 (Un-official)
CLTSH Facilitation Training Guide, Jan. 2011 (Un-official)
CLTSH verification and certification protocol (Un-official)
Health Management Information System (NMIS) Jan 2008
National WaSH Coordination Office ToR (2009);(Un-official)
Draft National Protocol for Hygiene and "on-site" Sanitation, Dec. 2005
Draft National Protocol for Hygiene and "on-site" Sanitation, Dec. 2005
Ethiopian Water Sector Policy, 2001
Gender Mainstreaming Field Manual, 2005
Ethiopian Water Sector Strategy, 2001
Gender Mainstreaming Guidelines and checklists for the Water Sector, 2001
COWASH Quarterly Report July - September 2012
COWASH quarterly report July - September 2012
MSF 5 Undertakings 6th draft, Nov. 2012
Assessment of the CMP approach in developing rural water supply schemes, A theis by Meron Mebrahtu, Addis Ababa, Institute of Technology, 2012
CMP approach: an opportunity to improve the community ownership in fluoride mitigation in Ethiopia
COWASH biannual report July 2012 - January 2013
CMP implementation manual for manual drilling
Ahmed Muhumed, B.Sc thesis: Sustainability of Rural Water Services Implemented Using CMP Approach in Amhara Region
Nabin Sharma, M.Sc thesis: CMP in Implementing Rural Water Supply in Amhara Region
Meron Mebrahtu, M.Sc thesis: Assessment of the CMP Approach in Developing Rural Water Supply Schemes, Benishangul-Gumuz Region
Yewondwossen Tesfaye, M.Sc thesis: A Comparative Study on Woreda Managed and CMP Rural Water Supply Projects
Hurst & Moges, PhD draft article: Evaluation of Sustainability and Health Impacts of CMPs for Sostu Kirba Kebele
School latrine in Guangua woreda, Amhara region
School latrine in Guangua woreda, Amhara region
School latrine in Guangua woreda, Amhara region
School latrine in Guangua woreda, Amhara region
School latrine in Guangua woreda, Amhara region
School latrine in Guangua woreda, Amhara region
School latrine in Guangua woreda, Amhara region
Design and Construction Manual for Water Supply and Sanitary Facilities in Primary Schools
Water Safety Planning Trainees
Artisan trainees
Artisan trainees
Full WaSH Implementation Framework (WIF).pdf
MSF 5 proceeding
WaSH Implementation Framework (WIF) summary
Signed WaSH Implementation Framework (scanned)
Introduction to the CMP approach
CMP and high technologies
Dafili gravity water supply scheme
Gochor gravity water supply scheme
Dafili socio-ecomic & tariff study
FinnWASH-BG financial management practise
UNICEF's past and future position on CMP approach
COWASH quarterly report July 2012 - April 2013
CMP approach: an opportunity to foster integrity in rural WASH
Proceedings of the CMP high technology experience sharing event
CMP high technology experience sharing event
CMP high technology event
Water integrity forum
OWNP Project Document
OWNP brochure
OWNP poster
Communication and training methodology / Participant guide
Report on communication and design methodology training, August 2013
Training participants
Communications training
Case study on sector collaboration in Ethiopia
Part A Introduction to O&MM
Part B decription of Water Sources and Technologies
Part C Technical O&M requirments
Part D Community Based Rural Water Supply Schemes Managment
Part E Rural Water Supply Spare Parts Managment
Part F M&E and reporting system update_1
Part G Water Supply Safety Plan
Part H Preparation of Action Plan and Implementation of O&M
Part A Introduction to O&MM
Part A Introduction to O&MM
Part B decription of Water Sources and Technologies
Part C Institutional Support Mechanisms
Part D Rural Water Supply schemes Managment
Part A Introduction to O&MM
Part A Introduction to O&MM
Part B Description of Water Sources and Technologies
Part C Technical O&M requirements
Part D Community Based Rural Water Supply Schemes Management
Part E Rural Water Supply Spare Parts Management
Part F M&E and reporting system update 1
Part G Water Supply Safety Plan
Part H Preparation of Action Plan and Implementation of O&M
Part A Introduction to O&MM
Part B Description of Water Sources and Technologies
Part C Institutional Support Mechanisms
Part D Rural Water Supply schemes Management
Part E Rural Water Supply Spare Parts Management
Part F M&E and reporting system
Part G Water Supply Safety Plan
Part H Preparation of Action Plan and Implementation of O&M
Annual Report July 2011-June 2012
COWASH annual report July 2011-June 2012
COWASH annual report July 2012 - June 2013
National Guideline for Technical Service Provision to Customers by Urban Water Supply Utilities
National Guideline for Urban Water Supply & Sewerage Services Organization Setup
National Guideline for Urban Water Supply & Sewerage Services Organization Setup
National Guideline for Urban Water Utilities Categorization
National Guideline for Urban Water Utilities Tariff Setting
Operation and Maintenance Manual for Urban Water Utilities
Revised COWASH Project Document, Sep 30, 2013
Catchment assessment tool, Draft
Environmental risk assessment tool, Draft
Geological assessment tool, Draft
Section 3 Climate Risk Screening Description, Draft
Working Paper on CRM Water Tools, Draft
Amhara Region WASH MoU
Gambella Region WASH MoU
Harari Region WASH MoU
Somali Region WASH MoU
A hidden resource publication
Final Self Supply Policy Guideline -27 January
SSAP A3 posters final draft
SSAP brochure final draft
SSAP communications strategy final draft
OWNP Socual Assessment Report
OWNP Social Assessment Report
Mainstreaming Crosscutting Issues in COWASH
Communication and Training Methodology Course Participant Guide
CMP and gender step by step guide
CMP and gender step by step guide
COWASH quarterly report July 2013-September 2013
ReCMP recommendations on 10.12.2013
Evaluation of CMP Research Project 2012 – 2014
Evaluation of CMP Research Project 2012 – 2014
Evaluation of CMP Research Project 2012 – 2014
Design and Construction Manual for Water Supply and Sanitary Facilities in Primary Schools in Ethiopia
Design of CDF and Credit Products
Checklist for project completion
COWASH woredas baseline as per the NWI
ReCMP recommendation 10.12.13
ReCMP recommendations 10.12.13
Research Proposals
Mebit Mitiku presentation in FLoWS on Nov 28, 2014
COWASH Commitment Letters from Regions
Amhara Supply Chain Assessment in 2013
Health Facility WASH Design Guideline
CMP implementation manual for Institutional Sanitation
Annexes for CMP Institutional sanitation manual
Human Resources Development in Ethiopian WASH sector
Introduction of CMP into One WASH
Mebit Mitiku, M.Sc thesis: Evaluation of the level of service rendered by functioning rural water supply schemes: case of Farta Woreda
Training Impact Assessment fo 2004 EFY trainings
National Sanitation Marketing Guideline (2013)
National Sanitation Marketing Guideline(2013)
Region Specific Supply Chains for Hand pumps and Spare Parts in Ethiopia, May 2010
Manual for Accelerating Self Supply Program in Ethiopia (Jan 2014)
Manual for Accelerating Self Supply Program in Ehiopia (Jan 2014)
Manual for Accelerating Self Supply in Ethiopia (Jan 2014)
Water Sector Working Group leaflet (Jan 2014)
Number of CMP
COWASH woredas-NO BG 14 v3
COWASH woredas-NO BG 14 v3
COWASH woredas-NO BG 14 v3
COWASH woreda map 27.2.2014
MoWIE 6-months review meeting
Water supply coverage
ODF Sustainability Study (Dec 2013)
Analyzing Policy Blockages to Equitable and Inclusive WASH in Ethiopia, June 2013
WASH CSOs Annual Report for 2011-2012
COWASH experience in Amhara 1
COWASH WSP experience in Amhara 1
COWASH WSP experience in Amhara 2
German Agro Action WSP experience in Oromia
COWASH WSP experience in Amhara 1
HfDW WSP experience in Tigray
WSP in general by UNICEF
Vacancy announcement March 2014
Vacancy anouncement March 2014
HfDW WSP experience in Tigray
COWASH WSP experience in Amhara 1
COWASH WSP experience in Ammhara 2
GAA WSP experience in Oromia
Inception report of CMP Implementation Manual Development (March 2014)
WSP workshop proceedings (March 2014)
COWASH quarterly report July 2013-December 2013
COWAH Launch Workshop in Benishangul-Gumuz Region, March 14-15, 2014
Core elements of CMP
COWASH link to One WASH and WASH Coordination
Overwiew of COWASH M&E
Core Planning
COWASH Component 2 and Financing Agreement
RSU establishment and roles and responsibilities
Overview of COWASH M&E
COWASH Revised Project Document, Sep 30, 2013
4th Annual CSO WASH Report (31.1.2014)
WSP Workshop (March 5, 2014) Proceedings
Final Draft WSWG ToR, April 2014
CMP appoach, Avola spring in Senkegna, Yilmana Densa Woreda.pdf
MSF 6 Proceedings, Summary
Speech of H.E Ato Alemayehu, The Minister of MoWIE
Speech of H.E. Ato Fuad, State Ministeer of MoE
Speech of H.E. Dr. Kebede, The MoH
Speech of H.E. Dr.Kebede, The State Minister of MoH
Speech of Ato Robel Lambisso, on Behalf of CSOs
Evaluation of ReCMP Findings and recommendations 30.5.14
ReCMP News
Health Facility WASH Manual
Kebele Water Safety Plan Gudeline (May 2014)
1. KWSP Introduction power point
2. KWSP team establishment
2. KWSP Team Establishment Power Point
2. KWSP team establishment power point
3. KWSP wells and pumps power point
4. KWSP springs power point
5. KWSP rural piped schemes power point
KWSP water safety alternatives power point
6. KWSP water safety alternatives power point
7. KWSP financing power point
Case Study of Ele gravity scheme in SNNPR
Case study of Avola and Araya springs in Amhara
COWASH quarterky report July 2013-March 2014
COWASH quarterly report July 2013-March 2014
COWASH quarterly report July 2013-March 2014, Annex 1
COWASH quarterly report July 2013-March 2014
Final One WASH Program Operational Manual
FRA Mitigation Plan
Final One WASH Program Operational Manual
Opening session keynote speeches and presentations
Opening Session keynote speeches and presentations
One WASH Coordination Presentations
JTR and CSO report presentations
Sustainable services in WASH
H&S in One WASH
Proceedings and program
Final Draft WSWG ToR
Final One WASH POM July 7, 2014
WaterCredit workshop
Scaling Up Community Management of Rural Water Supply, IRC, March 2004
Evaluation of Sustainability and Health Impacts of
Evaluating sustainability and health impact of CMP
WASH Sector Stakehoder Analysis 2012
Abiy Girma: Key Information
Arto Suominen, 2012 workshop
COWASH woredas
Communication strategy 2012
Abrham Kebede: Evolving CDF Approach
FinnWASH Supply Chain Research
Mainstreaming CDF, WB research paper
Mulatu Ferede: Supply Chain Research in Amhara
COWASH M&E Framework
COWASH M&E Framework
WaterAid CMP review
MoFED-MoWIE Joint Report of CDF
COWASH annual report 2006 EFY and plan 2007 EFY
COWASH Steering Committee ToR
AWP 2007 EFY
Abiy Girma. Key Information
Arto Suominen: 2012 workshop
Elizabeth Were Introduction to WaterCredit -Ethiopia
Rahul Bist WaterCredit Market Assessment-Ethiopia Presentation
Elizabeth Were Introduction to WaterCredit -Ethiopia
Rahul Bist WaterCredit Market Assessment-Ethiopia Presentation
Arto Suominen. 2012 workshop
Abiy Girma. Key Information
Elizabeth Were. WaterCredit
Gonji Kolella Case Study Report
Gonji Kolella Case Study Report
Case Study of Ele Spring
Training Impact Research Part 1
Training Impact Research Part 2
Training Impact Research Part 1
Training Impact Research Part 2
WASH POM August 15, 2014
One WASH POM August 214
One WASH POM August 15, 2014
TA for COWASH II selected
Winning celebration
Winning celebration
Water Credit Market Assessment Rport
WaterCredit Market Assessment Report, August 2014 by Water.org
GLOWS Manual
Kebele WSP Guideline
Kebele WSP Guideline in Amharic
GLOWS Amharic 2014
GLOWS 2014 Amharic
GLOWS English 2014
Kebele WSP Guideline, English
Kebele WSP Guideline in Amharic
Training Impact Research 2014
One WASH POM, September 30, 2014
COWASH PD Sep 30, 2013
COWASH Annual Report July 2013-June 2014 (2006 EFY)
Tigray Region WASH MoU
Benishangul Gumuz WASH MoU
Dire Dawa Administrative Region WASH MoU
Oromia WASH MoU
COWASH Annual report July 2013-June 2014 (2006 EFY) revised
Alana with the Chair W/ro Shennash
Visit to Abichu gena woreda
Abichu gena woreda
The Chair and Treasurer of the Debero-Garmojo scheme
Zena, Issue 1, Oct 2014
Zena, Issue 1, Oct 2014
Zena, Issue 1, Oct 2014
National Sanitation Marketing Guideline
February 2014 report
Primary school WASH design and construction manual
School WASH construction and Design Manual
CDF evaluation by WSP-Africa on 2010
COWASH Case Study, November 2014
Sani Mark Zena No 1, Oct 2014
Gender Mainstreaming in Ethiopia by Lakech Haile,Dec 8, 2014
IRC News September 2014
Finland's Country Strategy for Ethiopia in Development Cooperation 2014-2017
RAMBOLL Code of Conduct
Self Supply News, Nov 2014
WaterAid, Disability in sanitation, Ethiopia case study
Plan International, ODF Sustainability, Ethiopia
CMP Implementation manual meeting on Dec 17, 2014
CMP meeting in COWASH office Dec 17, 2014
CMP Management training in BG
CMP Management training in BG
COWASH woredas
COWASH_woreda_db 24.2.14_a
COWASH-Amhara-A6 v2
COWASH Capacity Building Strategy Jan 15, 2015
Request for Proposal training impact assessment
CMP Training Manuals
TOR for the training impact assessment
WASHCO training materials general
WASHCO Training Materials in PDF
CMP Manuals
TOR training impact assessment
Design of CDF and credit products December 2008
Design of CDF and credit products December 2008
Amhara Profile Dec 2015
Gult-5 Water Point
The Steward
Yeloma Kebele
COWASH profile
COWASH profile
COWASH quarterly report July 2014-September 2014
COWASH Summary Quarterly report July 2014-September 2014
COWASH output based quarterly report July 2014-September 2014
COWASH Summary quarterly report July 2014-Septembr 2014
COWASH Phase I Completion Report June 2011-September 2014
Yeloma Kebele
Gult-5 Water Point
Amhara Profile December 2014
COWASH Profile
CMP Implementation Guideline for OWNP
About CMP
CMP Regions
Q & A